*1715, eh.
AN additional SUPPLEMENT to the ACT,* entitled, an Act directing the
manner of suing out Attachments in this Province, and limiting the
extent of them.
See notes to the original law, ante page 21.
WHEREAS, the remedy by attachment which is provided by
the existing laws of this state, is confined to citizens of some
one of the United States, and it is right and proper that all the
citizens and inhabitants of the United States should have equal
benefit and advantage from the laws of this state, as well those
residing in the district or other territorial governments as those
residing in the several states.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall and may be lawful for any individual or indivi-
duals, who may be an inhabitant or inhabitants, or resident or
residents, of any part of the United States, whether of one of
the states or of the district of Columbia, or other territories,
and who by the existing laws of this state may be entitled to
sue out and prosecute mesne process, to have, use and prose-
cute the process by attachment in the cases and under the limi-
tations and restrictions, provided in the acts of assembly in that
behalf made, except only that it shall not be necessary to state in
the proceedings, or to prove on the trial, that the party proceed-
ing by attachment as aforesaid, was at the time of suing out the
same, a citizen or citizens of some one of the United States.
SEC 2. And be it enacted, That it shall and may henceforth
be lawful for the clerks of the several county courts, and they
are hereby authorized and required on the application of the
plaintiff or plaintiffs in any judgment rendered by a justice of
the peace, and proceeding the original judgment, or a copy
thereof, under the hand and seal of the justice who rendered
the same, to issue an attachment, as is authorized by the
seventh section of the act to which this is a further supplement,
against the goods, chattels and credits of the defendant or de-
fendants in said judgments, in the hands of the plaintiff, or in
the hands of any other person or persons whatever, corporate
or sole, whether the said defendant or defendants reside in the
county in which the said judgments were rendered, or else-
where, which attachments shall be directed to, and served by
the sheriff or coroner, as the case may require, of the county
in which they are issued, and the same proceedings shall be
thereon had and observed, as are now authorized and required
by the existing laws in cases of judgments rendered in courts
of record.
1st April.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall commence
and be in force from and after the first day of April, in the year
eighteen hundred and twenty -six.