hundred, resignation or disqualification of any constable, it
shall and may be lawful for the justices of the levy court of
the county, in which such vacancy shall occur, or a majority of
them at their next meeting, to appoint a proper person to supply
such vacancy, in the same manner that they are now authorized
to appoint constables at their meeting to lay the county assess-
By 1824, ch. 140, they are to he appointed for each election district,
instead of hundreds.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in all cases in which two
magistrates shall hereafter in the recess of the levy court, ap-
point a constable in the place of a constable who shall have
died, resigned, removed or refused to act as aforesaid, such
magistrate shall cause notice thereof to be given to the clerk of
the county court of the county, in which the appointment shall
have been made, who shall thereupon be authorized to take the
bond of the said constable, with such securities as the said clerk
shall approve in the same manner, with the same penalty, and
with the same condition as are now prescribed for constables
bonds to be taken by the justices of the levy court; and the
said constable so to be appointed, shall not be authorized to act
until the said clerk shall endorse the said bond to be approved
by him.
By 1835, ch. 201, sec. 16, these bonds are to be in the penalty of $2,000.
To serve
till meeting
of levy
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the said constable so to be
appointed and qualified, shall be authorized to do and perform
all the duties of a constable, until the levy court of the said
county, shall at their next special or adjourned meeting, appoint
some other person as constable for said hundred.
*Ch. 78.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act to provide for the removal of
Lunatic Paupers from the several counties of this State, to the Maryland
Hospital, passed at December Session, eighteen hundred and seventeen.*
entitled to
not paupers.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
no person shall in future, be construed to be a lunatic pauper,
and entitled to the benefit of the act to which this is a supple-
ment, while he or she may possess in their own right, any pro-
perty, real or personal, or be entitled to the use of any property,
by virtue of last will and testament, or deed of trust for his or
her use and benefit, nor shall the child of any person whose
property is actijally assessed to one thousand dollars, who may
be afflicted with lunacy, and whose usual place of abode has
been with their parent or parents, be entitled to the benefit of
the act to which this is a supplement.
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