child or
of the
equally ; and if no such brother or sister, or descendant of such
brother or sister, then to the grandfather on the part of the mo-
ther ; and if no such grandfather living, then to his descendants
in equal degree, equally ; and if no such descendant of such
grandfather, then to the father of such grandfather; and if none
such living, then to his descendants in equal degree, and so on,
passing to the next male maternal ancestor, and if none such
Jiving, to his descendants in equal degree ; and if no such ma-
ternal ancestor, or descendant from any maternal ancestor, then
to the father of the intestate ; and if no father living, to his de-
scendants in equal degree, equally ; and if no father living, or
descendant from the father, then to the paternal ancestors, and
their descendants, in the same manner as is above directed as
How to de-
sceod if it
vested in
the intes-
tate by pur-
chase, or by
that on the
part of the
father or
mother, and
there be no
child or de-
scendant of
the intes-
to the maternal ancestors; and if the estate is or shall be
(vested in the intestate by purchase, or shall descend to or vest
in the intestate, in any other manner than as herein before men-
tioned, and there be no child or descendant of such intestate,
then the estate shall descend to the brothers and sisters of such
intestate, of the whole blood and their descendants, in equal
degree, equally ; and if no brother or sister of the whole blood,
or descendant from such brother or sister, then to the brothers
and sisters of the half blood and their descendants in equal de-
gree, equally ; and if no brother or sister of the whole or half
blood, or any descendant from such brother or sister, then to the
father, and if no father living, then to the mother, and if no
mother living, then to the grandfather on the part of the father,
and if no such grandfather living, then to the descendants of
such grandfather in equal degree, equally; and if no such
grandfather, or any descendant from him, then to the grand-
father on the part of the mother; and if no such grandfather,
then to his descendants in equal degree, equally ; and so on
without end, alternating the next male paternal ancestor, and
his descendants, and the next male maternal ancestor, and his
descendants, and giving preference to the paternal ancestor, and
If there be
no descend-
ants or
kindred of
the intes-
tate, then
the estate
shall go to
the husband
or wife, &c.
his descendants; and if there be no descendants or kindred of
the intestate as aforesaid, to take the estate, then the same shall
go to the husband or wife, as the case may be, and if the hus-
band or wife be dead, then to his or her kindred in the like
course as if such husband or wife had survived the intestate,
and then had died, entitled to the estate by purchase ; and if
the intestate has had more husbands or wives than one, and all
shall die before such intestate, then the estate shall be equally
divided among the kindred of the several husbands or wives ia
equal degree, equally.
No right
shall vest
except in
children of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That no right in the inheritance
shall accrue to or vest in any person other than to children of
the intestate, and their descendants, unless such person is in