SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
executor or administrator of such deceased executor or admi-
nistrator, to return upon oath, to the orphans court, on or before
the day named in the order aforesaid, a list of the notes, bonds,
accounts, and money aforesaid, as far as he can ascertain the
To return
to orphans
court a list
of notes,
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the bonds, notes or accounts,
that may be delivered to him as aforesaid, when collected, and
the money paid over to him as aforesaid, shall be assets in his
hands to be accounted for by him as such.
bonds, &c.
to be assets
and to be
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if the executor or executors,
administrator or administrators, of the deceased executor or ad-
ministrator, shall return the list of notes, bonds, accounts and
money, herein before directed, in the manner herein directed,
such executor or executors, administrator or administrators, shall
be allowed to retain out of the money, notes, bonds or accounts,
such commission as the court in their discretion may think pro-
per to allow, not exceeding ten per cent, on the principal inven-
tory, to be accounted for by such executor or executors, admi-
nistrator or administrators, in the settlement of the estates of
their respective testator or intestate; and if the said executor or
executors, administrator or administrators, shall neglect or refuse
to return such list, no deduction shall be made on account of
such commission from the damages to be recovered as aforesaid
by the administrator de bonis non ; and the executor or execu-
tors, administrator or administrators, so neglecting or refusing,
shall be bound nevertheless to account for the commission so
lost by his, her or their default, in the settlement of the estate of
his, her, or their testator or intestate, as the case may be, and
his, her, or their bond, shall be liable to be sued therefor.
return of
notes, &c.
to retain
out of the
same, &c.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That every executor and adminis-
trator heretofore appointed, may in his, her, or their discretion,
within one year after the passage of this act, and every executor
and administrator hereafter appointed may, within one year after
the date of his, her, or their letters, return to the orphans court
a list of the debts due from his, her, or their testator or intestate,
which may be made known to him, her or them, stating the
principal and the time at which interest is to commence on each
respective debt, to which list of debts shall be annexed the oath
or affirmation of the executor or administrator, that the same is
a correct list of the debts due from his, her, or their testator or
intestate, so far as the said debts have come to his, her, or their
knowledge, and every six months thereafter, until the estate
may be finally settled, a similar return may be made of such
debts as shall come to the knowledge of the executor or admi-
nistrator within that period, which returns or lists of debts shall
be recorded by the register of will, and a copy thereof, certified
&c. may
within one
year return
a list of the
debts due,