shall direct a transcript of the proceedings to be transmitted by
the register to the county court, whose decision shall be final.
to be trans-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That in all cases of plenary pro-
ceedings or caveat filed in any of the orphans courts of this
state, where any motion or application to the court shall be
made in writing, it shall be the duty of the court to reduce to
writing, and sign the order or decree that may be made by them
on such motion or application, and the said motion or applica-
tion to the court, and the order or decree thereon, shall be filed
as a part of the proceedings, and in case of appeal from the final
decree of the orphans court, be transmitted to the appellate court
with the other proceedings, and subject to the judgment and
revision of such appellate court.
In case of
plenary pro-
&c, where
shall be
made in
writing, to
be filed as
parts of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That so much of an act of assem-
bly, passed at November session seventeen hundred and ninety-
eight,* and also so much of an act passed at November session
eighteen hundred and two,t as relate to appeals from the orphans
court to the general court, court of chancery, and county court,
be and the same are hereby repealed ; Provided always , that
nothing herein contained shall affect any appeal prayed before
the passage of this act.
AN ACT for settling the Western Limits of this State and the dividing
Line and Boundary between this State and the Commonwealth of
No definitive negotiation has been consummated under this law.
Parts of acts
*Ch. 101.
t Ch. 101.
AN ACT to prohibit Sheriffs from receiving Negro Slaves into the public
gaols of this state, except when committed by due course oflaw-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall not be lawful for the sheriffs of any county in this
state to receive into the public gaol any negro slave, unless com-
mitted in due course of law.
SEC 2. And be it enacted, That if any sheriff shall after the
first day of April next, receive any slave into the public gaol of
his county, except when committed as aforesaid, he shall forfeit
and pay the sum of five hundred dollars current money for
every offence, to be recovered by bill of indictment, or action of
debt, in the county court where such sheriff may reside, one-
half for the use of the county, the other half to the informer
who shall present or sue for the same.
Not lawful
to receive
any negro
into gaol
unless com-
mitted in
due coarse
of law.
Penalty on
sheriffs for
any such.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act contained
shall be construed to prohibit or prevent the owner of a slave,
who is a person not engaged in the traffic of buying and selling
Persons not
engaged in
buying and
slaves not