AN ACT to relieve the people of this state, as far as practicable, from the
evils arising from the demands made on the Banks of this state for Gold
and Silver by Brokers, and to prohibit the Officers of the different Banks
from buying and selling Bank Notes of the Banks of this State at a less
price than their nominal value.
&c. not to
deal In buy-
ing or sell-
ing notes ol
any bank
for a less
sum than
the nominal
value —
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
. That from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be law-
ful for any president, director, cashier, clerk or officer, of any of
the banks of this state to deal or traffic directly or indirectly, in
buying or selling, bartering or exchanging, the notes of any of
[ the banks of this state, at and for a price or sum less than the
nominal value of such notes so bought or sold, bartered or
exchanged, nor directly or indirectly to employ for that purpose
aijy broker, agent, or debtor to any of the said banks, or any
other person or persons whatsoever, nor to engage or employ
any person or persons in buying or selling, bartering or ex-
changing, any such notes as aforesaid, for the purpose of depo-
siting the same in any of the banks of this state; and if any
president, director, cashier, clerk, or officer of any of the banks
of this state, shall be duly convicted of violating or evading any
or either of the provisions contained in this section, such person
so convicted, shall forfeit and pay a sum of money equal to
double the amount of the notes so bought or sold, bartered or
No person
or body
politic to be
engaged in
such busi-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for
any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, to be engaged
in, or to follow the business, employment or traffic, directly or
indirectly, by any ways or means whatsoever, by themselves or
by others, in buying or selling, bartering or exchanging the
notes of any of the banks of this state, for a price or sum in gold
or silver less than the nominal value of such note so bought or
sold, bartered or exchanged, nor to barter or exchange the notes
of any of the banks of this state for the notes of any other of the
banks of this state, for a less price or sum than the nominal
value of such notes so bartered or exchanged ; and if any person
or persons, or officer or officers, of any body politic or corporate,
shall be duly convicted of violating or evading the provisions con-
tained in this section, such person or persons, officer or officers,
shall forfeit and pay a sum of money not exceeding double the
amount of the gold or silver so as aforesaid bought or sold, or of
the notes so as aforesaid bought or sold, bartered or exchanged.
Nor to buy
gold or
silver coin-
ed with
notes for a
greater sum
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any
person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, other than the
banks incorporated by the laws of this state, or the exporter
thereof beyond sea, or the manufacturer of gold and silver, to
buy any gold or silver coined, at or for a price or sum in the