same as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if such
person or persons, non-residents of this state as aforesaid, had
appeared thereto.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That upon all petitions of any
guardian or prochein ami, for the sale of the real estate of any
infant or infants, it shall and may be lawful for the court before
whom any such petition may be pending, and they are hereby
required, to issue a commission to not less 4han three discreet
and sensible men, freeholders of the county where such lands
to be affected by such petition may lie, whose duty it shall be
to view and ascertain, by competent and disinterested evidence,
the real value of the said lands, taking into consideration the
quality, local situation, improvements, with all the advantages,
and also the disadvantages and incumbrances attending the
same, and to determine, under all circumstances, whether it
would be to the interest and advantage of the infant or infants
that such land should be sold, and report the same to the court,
with their reasons therefor; Provided, that the said report
shall not be conclusive on the court, but the court may in their
discretion, examine witnesses, and have other testimony, and
shall decree a sale only in those cases where, under all circum-
stances, the court shall be satisfied that a sale would be for the
interest and advantage of the infant or infants.
Upon peti-
tion or sale
of real es-
tate of in-
fants, court
to appoint
to ascertain
real value
of the land,
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a
majority of them, before they proceed to act, shall take an oath,
or affirmation, that they will impartially ascertain the quality
and value of the said lands, with the advantages and incum-
brances attending the same, and a true report thereof make to
the best of their skill and judgment.
To take an
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT,* entitled, an Act providing for the appoint-
ment of an Attorney-General, and of District Attorneys in the several
Judicial Districts of this state, and for Baltimore City Court.
Repealed by 1821, ch. 126.
AN ACT, entitled, a further additional SUPPLEMENT to the Act,* entitled,
an Act concerning Crimes and Punishments.
See notes to the original act, ante page 572.
*Nov. 1809,
ch. 133.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, in all cases where
any slave, or servant for a term of years, shall be sold out of
the penitentiary of this state, under the provisions of the act to
which this is a supplement, that it shall be the duty of the
keeper of the penitentiary to deposite the money arising from
such sale, in some bank in the city of Baltimore, and imme-
slaves, &c.
are sold out
of peniten-
tiary keeper
to deposite
money in
tome bank
in Balti-