roads, passed at December session eighteen hundred and six-
teen,* be and the same is hereby repealed ; Provided always^
that any proceedings heretofore begun under the provisions of
that law, may be proceeded on, and shall have the same effect,
as if the above mentioned act had not been passed.
*Ch. 261,
SEC. 18. And be it enacted. That nothing in this act con-
tained shall be construed to extend to Worcester county.
Not to
extend to
AN ACT to Quiet Possessions, and to prevent Suits at Law.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
wherever land shall be taken up, under a common or special
warrant, or warrant of resurvey, any person or persons, bodies
corporate or politic, may give in evidence, under the general
issue, his, her, or their possession thereof; and if it shall appear
in evidence that the person or persons, bodies corporate or poli-
tic, or those under whom they claim, have held the lands in
possession for twenty years before the action or actions brought,
such possession shall be a bar to all right or claim derived from
the state under any patent issued upon such warrant or war-
Where land
taken up
under a
common or
special war-
rant, per-
sons may
give in evi-
dence their
rants ; Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be
construed to affect any title or titles, urtder any common or
special warrant, or warrant of resurvey, where the same shall
have been laid before the passing of this act.
AN ACT relating to the copies of certain Papers from the Land Office.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
a copy of any original certificate in the land office, together with
the notes or illustrations annexed thereto at the time the same
was returned into the land office, referring to the lines of other
tracts of land, certified by the register under his hand and the
seal of his office, shall be evidence in any court of law or
equity in this state, in the same manner, and have the same
effect, as if it were the original paper, and proved to be in the
hand-writing of the surveyor by whom the original survey was
made, and that the said surveyor was dead.
referring to
lines of
other tracts,
certified by
register, to
be evidence
in any
A further additional SUPPLEMENTARY ACT to the Act,* entitled, an Act for
Quieting Possessions, Enrolling Conveyances, and securing the Estates
of Purchasers.
See ante page 35.
* 1716, ch.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
hereafter no deed of conveyance shall b6 good and available in
law, unless the same be recorded in the records of the county
No deed of
to be good
unless re-
corded in