SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said court, chancellor, chief justice or other judge, on applica-
tion in behalf of the party complaining, or the officer or other
person making the return, to issue subpoena, or subpoena duces
tegum and process of attachment if requisite, returnable at the
day and place, and in the manner therein directed, to be served
by the sheriff of the county, or his deputy, and to be enforced
as the like process may now be enforced in courts of law, in
order to compel the attendance of witnesses, whose testimony it
may appear on affidavit, or other reasonable cause shewn, is
necessary, for the purpose of proving all the circumstances of
the detention or confinement aforesaid, whereby such court,
chancellor, chief justice or other judge, may be enabled, truly
and justly to decide and determine, whether there is any legal
warrant or authority therefor, or whether the party restrained of
his liberty shall not be forthwith released and discharged.
AN ACT relating to the several Banks within this State.
Party com-
may be
issued, &c.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it
shall be lawful for the president and directors of any bank
incorporated by an act of the general assembly of this state, to
loan to this state any sum of money not exceeding the amount
of the capital actually paid in, any thing in the charter of such
bank, or in any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
AN ACT for the benefit of persons who have emigrated into this state
since the adoption of the Constitution of the United States.
See 1813, eh. 105, ante page 621.
May loan
money to
the state.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
in all cases where any alien hath emigrated into this state
since the adoption of the constitution of the United States, and
hath acquired or become entitled to lands and tenements therein,
if such person after such acquisition as aforesaid, hath been
naturalized according to the laws of the United States, then and
in such case, he or she shall quietly have, possess and enjoy,
such lands and tenements, in the same manner as he or she
might or could have done if he or she had been a naturalized
having land
&c. may
have right
on being