taken, under and by virtue of the said duplicate, shall appear
thereto, and have the like proceedings against them in the said
county court, in the same manner as if they were residents of
the county in which the said original writ hath issued or shall
issue ; and such sheriff shall also be liable to be amerced upon
such duplicate in the same manner as upon all other original
writs ; Provided, that if there be any one or more of the heirs
or devisees of any deceased person residing in the county in
which the said person was resident at the time of his death, or
in which his real estate, or some part thereof, was situated, then
and in such case the capias ad respondendum shall issue forth
out of the county court of the county in which the deceased
died, or in which his real estate, or some part thereof, is situated.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the defendant in any suit or
action now depending, or which may hereafter be brought in
any county court of this state, shall die pending such suit or
action, and his executor or administrator shall reside in a dif-
ferent county than that in which suit or action may be depend-
ing, and it shall and may be necessary to make such executor
or administrator a party to such suit or action, it shall and may
be lawful for the clerk of the county, court of the county in
which such suit or action shall be depending, to issue a sum-
mons, directed to the sheriff of the county in which the execu-
tor or administrator of the deceased defendant may reside,
returnable to the county court from which the same issued, and
the sheriff of the county to whom any such summons shall be
directed and delivered, shall 'serve the same, and make return
thereof to the court from which it issued, and the same pro-
ceedings shall and may be thereon had as is provided by the
first section of the act passed in seventeen hundred and eighty-
five, chapter eighty.
AN ACT to repeal so much of the Laws of this State as requires Pro-
perty Qualification in Jurors.
Death of
actions are
Be it enacted, by» the General Assembly of Maryland, That
so much of the laws of this state as requires a property quali-
cation of fifty acres of land in his county, or property in this
state above the value of three hundred pounds current money,
in persons summoned as jurors, be and the same is hereby
See February, 1777, ch. 15, sec. 10.
tions in
A further additional SUPPLEMENT to the ACT,* entitled, an Act to direct
Repealed by 1820, ch. 83.
*1786, ch.