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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 603   View pdf image (33K)
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AN ACT to repeal the fourth and fifth sections of an act, entitled, a supple-
ment to the act, entitled, an act to regulate the inspection of tobacco.


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the fourth and fifth sections of an act, entitled, a supplement to


the act,* entitled, an act to regulate the inspection of tobacco,
passed at November session eighteen hundred and two, t be and
the same are hereby repealed.


AN ACT to repeal the third section of an Act, entitled, an Act continuing an
act relating to costs in Criminal Cases.

*1801, ch.
t Ch.27*

WHEREAS doubts exists whether the third section of the act
passed at November session, in the year seventeen hundred
and eighty-seven,* be now in force and operation or not;

* Ch. 34.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the third section of an act passed at November session
seventeen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled, an act continu-
ing the act relating to costs in criminal cases, be and the same is


hereby repealed and declared to be null and void ; Provided,
that there shall be deducted from such costs in every county, the
same per centage as may or shall be paid by the levy court of
any county for collecting the levy of said county.


AN ACT empowering the Surveyors of the several counties of this state,
and their deputies, to qualify their Chain and Pole Carriers.


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, it shall and may be lawful
for the surveyors of the several counties of this state, and their
deputies duly qualified as such, upon any survey by them or
either of them to be made, to administer an oath or affirmation,
as the case may be, to their chain and pole carriers, carefully,
without favour or partiality, to carry the chain or pole, to the

and depu-
ties may
their chain
and pole

best of their knowledge, whilst making such survey ; Provided,
that every chain and pole carrier shall be a free white male
person above the age of twenty-one years.

A SUPPLEMENTARY ACT relating to Insolvent Debtors.


WHEREAS several special acts have passed this general as-
sembly at its present session in favour of insolvent debtors,
authorizing the judges of the respective county courts to extend
to the persons therein named, the benefit of the insolvent laws


passed at November session eighteen hundred and five,* and

* Ch. 110.

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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 603   View pdf image (33K)
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