pendent and exclusive of such defective deed, may have bona
fide sold and conveyed the same, but in all such instances the
person or persons to whom the property shall have been as last
aforesaid mentioned sold and conveyed, shall continue to hold
the same estate and interest in the property so to him, her or
them, sold and conveyed, as he, she or they, would have held
in case the said original acts, and the supplements thereto, had
not passed, any thing in the same contained to the contrary
notwithstanding; Provided, that nothing in this act contained
shall extend, or be construed to extend, to interfere with, or
affect, any deed or deeds excepted out of the operation of the
original act by the proviso contained in said act.
AN ACT to make the final discharge of Executors, Administrators and
Guardians, matter of record.
Other laws are, 1816, ch. 134; 1825, ch. 160; 1829, ch. 216; 1831, ch.
305. See Index, word *Release.J
&c. of exe-
cutors, &c.
may be
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all receipts, acquittances, releases or final discharge, from
any heir, representative or legatee, of full age, or other persons
authorized to execute the same, to any guardian, executors or
administrator, which shall have been acknowledged before any
justice, of the peace, or register of wills of the county wherein
such heir, representative, legatee, or other persons authorized to
execute the same, resides, may be recorded ; and it shall be the
duty of the register of wills of the county where such guardian
was appointed, or such executor or administrator obtained let-
ters testamentary or letters of administration, to record any such
receipt, acquittance, release or final discharge, produced to be
recorded, in a well bound book to be kept for that purpose.
Copy of
such din-
charge duly
attested, to
be evidence
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That a copy of any such receipt,
acquittance, release or final discharge, acknowledged and re-
corded as aforesaid, duly attested under the seal of the office in
which the same is recorded, shall, at all times hereafter, be ad-
mitted as evidence to prove such receipt, acquittance, release or
final discharge.
&c. by a
dent, ac-
and certi-
fied, may be
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any receipt, acquittance,
release or final discharge, from any heirs, legatee, representative
of full age, or other persons authorized to execute the same, to
any executor, administrator or guardian, by a non-resident of
this state, acknowledged as aforesaid in the town, city, county
or place, where such person may reside, with a certificate of
such acknowledgment, and seal of office thereto annexed, may
be received and recorded by such register, and placed on his
record, as other receipts, acquittances, releases or final discharge
may be recorded, and admitted in evidence as aforesaid; and