Fines, &c.
to be re-
covered by
SEC. 36. And be it enacted. That all fines and penal ties creat-
ed and imposed by this act, unless herein otherwise particularly
directed and provided for, shall and may be recovered in the
name of the state, by indictment, in the county court of the
county wherein the same shall accrue, and be applied, one-half
thereof to the use of the informer, and the other half to the use of
the county, and it shall be the duty of the clerk of such county
to return, annually, to their levy courts, a list of all fines and
penalties recovered by virtue of this act.
This act to
be given in
charge to
grand juries
SEC. 37. And be it enacted, That the judges of the different
county courts shall give this act in charge to the grand juries of
their respective counties, at the sitting of the court next after
every election to be held therein.
SEC. 38. And be it enacted, That all laws, clauses and sections
of laws, repugnant to, or inconsistent with, the provisions of
this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
It was presumed that every provision of the act of 1790, ch. 16, was
re-enacted or repealed by this law. Upon a more minute comparison of
that act with this, since the reprint of this, I find, that the latter part of the
9th, and the following sections are not re-enacted by this law, to wit :
1790.— CHAPTER 16.
* SEC. 9. And the governor and council shall as soon as
conveniently may be, after such examination and declaration,
transmit a certificate of the election of the representatives, under
the seal of this state, to the secretary of state for the United
States, or other proper officer authorized to receive the same, to
be by him delivered to the house of representatives in the con-
gress of the United States, when they shall be assembled at the
time and place directed and fixed on by the congress of the
United States.
'SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the said electors [of pre-
sident and vice-president,] shall receive the same per diem
allowance, and itinerant charges as are allowed to the members
of the general assembly.
'SEC. 13. Repealed by 1825, ch. 121.
'SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That if a vacancy or vacancies
shall happen in the representation of this state, in the house of
representatives in the congress of the United States, by death,
resignation, disqualification, or otherwise, the governor and
council shall issue writs of election to the district where such
vacancy shall happen, to fill the same in the manner herein
before prescribed.'