place, or for any inspector or inspectors for the inspecting, safe
keeping, and delivering of tobacco, at the said warehouse, shall
declare, in writing, in a book to be kept by the clerk of the
county for that purpose, his choice of such warehouse, and of
the name or names of the inspector or inspectors for whom he
hath voted, and shall subscribe his name to the said declaration
in writing, and the said justices shall, immediately thereafter,
deliver a copy thereof, under their hands, to the sheriff of their
county, who shall forthwith transmit the same to the governor,
who, with the advice of the council, is hereby authorized and
required to appoint and commission two persons out of the five,
or one person out of the three, recommended as before directed,
to be inspector or inspectors, as the case may require.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That every inspector, before he
acts as such, shall, under the penalty of three hundred dollars,
take the following oath or affirmation of office, (as the case may
be,) to wit : ' I, A. B., appointed inspector at —— warehouse,
do swear, or solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm,
that I will diligently and carefully uncase, break, or cause the
same to be done in my presence, and will examine, all tobacco
which I shall be called upon to view and inspect at the said
warehouse, or at any other public warehouse, and that I will
not receive any tobacco that is not, in my judgment and con-
science, sound, clean, in good order and condition, and mer-
chantable, and that I will not receive, pass or mark, any
hogshead of tobacco prohibited by this act, and that 1 will
receive, pass and mark, all tobacco that is, in my judgment and
conscience, sound, clean, in good order, condition, and mer-
chantable, and that I will in all things well and faithfully
discharge my duty in the office of an inspector, according to
the best of my skill and judgment, and according to the direc-
tions of this act, without fear, favour, affection, malice or par-
tiality ; so help me God ;' which oath or affirmation any justice
of the peace may administer.
By 1821, ch. 194, an additional oath is to be taken by the inspectors of
the state warehouses.
oath of
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That every inspector, before he
executes any part of his duty under this act, shall, under the
penalty of eight hundred dollars, enter into bond before one of
the justices of the peace for his county, with good and sufficient
securities, having property within the state assessed to two
thousand five hundred dollars, such as the said justice shall
approve, in the penalty of three thousand dollars, payable to the
state, with condition, that he will diligently and carefully
uncase and break, or cause the same to be done in his pre-
sence, view and examine, all tobacco brought to the warehouse
to enter
into bond.