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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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Witnesses on the trial of small debts before a justice of the peace al-


lowed 2s. 6d. per day— 1791, ch. 68, sec. 7, .


Power of the governor and council to procure the attendance of wit-


nesses on contested elections, and on complaints against officers of


government, and to direct as to the costs of their attendance — 1786,


ch. 22, ...........


Manner of summoning and compelling the attendance of witnesses on


commissions for marking and bounding lands — 1786, ch. 33, sec.


4, p. 239 ; 1793, ch. 70, sec. 2, 3, ......


Their allowance and manner of administering oaths to them — 1786,


ch. 33, sec. 4, 7, .........


Directions respecting the continuance of suits where witnesses are


wanting, &c. — see Continuance — Evidence.


On an order from the chancery court to a county surveyor to lay clown


lands for the illustration of any matter in the said court, such sur-


veyor may issue summonses for witnesses wanting on the said sur-


vey, directed to the sheriff or coroner, as required, and on their


non-attendance, attachment of contempt, on motion to the chan-


cellor — 1789, ch. 35, sec. 6, .......


On writs of warrants of resurvey from the general court, or any county


court, the sheriff or coroner shall summon witnesses, and on their


non-attendance attachment may issue — 1789, ch. 35, sec. 7,


Such witnesses to have the same allowance as those attending a county


court, to be recovered by order and attachment, or by warrant un-


der £5— 1789, ch. 35, sec. 8, .......


Witnesses may be summoned to attend the judge of the land-office on


the eastern shore, and attached and fined for non attendance — 1795,


ch. 61, sec. 12, ..........


How compelled to attend justices of the peace — 1801, ch. 42, .


The testimony of negroes or mulatloes, slaves or free, may be received


against such negroes or mulattoes — 1808, ch. 81,


In cases under the laws to punish violations of the lottery system, de-


nied the privilege of refusing to answer, because the answer might


criminate themselves, but providing that such answer shall not be


evidence against such witness — 1829, ch. 188, sec. 6, .




A wreck-master to be appointed by the governor and council in Wor-


cester county for the preservation of vessels stranded — 1799, ch.


82, sec. 2, ..........


Supplements are 1799, ch. 92 ; 1806, ch. 58; 1807, ch. 19. The mar-


ginal notes suffice for an index.






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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 2832   View pdf image (33K)
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