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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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The treasurers authorized and required to direct suits against such


debtors to the state as they deem proper, having reference to the


validity thereof, and to prosecute suits depending — 1809, ch. 127,


sec. 2, ...........


To direct suit against clerks, sheriffs and collectors, refusing or neglect-


ing to pay moneys in their hands — 1809, ch. 127, sec. 3, ' .


To appoint any attorney to such suits, provided that the money reco-


vered shall be paid to the treasurer only — 1809, ch. 127, sec. 4, .


Consequence of payment not being made to them by clerks against


whom executions have issued two successive terms — 1809, ch.


127, sec. 5, ..........


See Clerks.


The securities in the annual bond required from the printer to the state


for faithful performance, &c. to be approved by the treasurer of the


western shore, and the bond lodged with him — 1816, ch. 98, sec. 3,


Required to pay to commissioners in any county their proportion of


the school fund, and for that purpose to dispose of the parts requi-


site— 1816, ch. 256, sec. 3, .......


To dispose of the funds requisite for such payments — 1816, ch. 256,


sec. 4, ...... .....


In bonds given by the managers of lotteries, the security to be ap-


proved by the treasurer of the western shore — 1817, ch. 154, sec. 1,


The treasurer of the western shore to furnish, under the direction of


the governor and council, stamp paper for notes of banks not char-


tered by the state having offices of discount, &c. — 1817, ch. 156,


sec. 1, ...........


The bond to be given by brokers on obtaining license to be approved


by the treasurer of the western shore — 1818, ch. 210, sec. 3,


The treasurer of the western shore to transmit to the register in chan-


cery, lists of taxes in chancery proceedings returned by the sheriffs


as charged to non-residents — 1820, ch. 204, sec. 4, ...


Not to pay the order of any person now on the pension list, unless the


order he accompanied by an affidavit that the person signing the


order is the person to whom the pension was granted — 1821,


ch. 199, ...........


To renew their bonds on the first of August next, and on or before the


first of August in every second year thereafter — 1823, ch. 195,


sec. 1, ...........


Bonds to be approved by the governor * * *, and recorded in the


county court of the county — 1823, ch. 195, ....


Required, upon being satisfied that persons appointed by the governor


and council as auctioneers, have given the necessary bonds, &.c. to


issue license fur one year, upon receiving the license fee — 1827,


ch.111, sec. 7, ........


Return to, from county clerks semi annually, of all licenses granted by


them respectively— 1827, ch. 117, sec. 6, .


The governor authorized to draw upon him for sums, not to exceed


$5000 annually, for the instruction and transportation of certain


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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 2826   View pdf image (33K)
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