The people of this state ought to have the sole and exclusive right of
regulating the internal government thereof— Decl. of Rights, art. 2.
No person in public trust ought to receive any present from any fo-
reign prince or state, or from the United States, or any of them,
without the approbation of this state — Decl. of Rights, art. 32.
All indictments shall conclude, against the peace, government and dig-
nity of the state — Const, art. 67.
All penalties and forfeitures heretofore going to the king or proprietary
shall go to the state, save only such as the general assembly may
abolish, or otherwise provide for — Const, art. 58.
Any of the United States shall he recognized in this state a body poli-
tic and corporate for the purpose of prosecuting actions against any
person residing in this state, on some citizen of this state being an-
swerable for costs — 1785. ch, 36. ......
The act of March, 1778, ch. 9, entitled, 'an Act for (he speedy recovery of
public debts;' is noted in this work as superseded by the act of 1809, ch. 127.
This act of 1778 is not indexed by chancellor Kilty, upon reflection I deem it
advisable to reprint it, as it is not repealed, leaving to the judiciary to decide
how far it ceases to operate from subsequent conflicting legislation.
1778.—CHAPTER 9.
AN ACT for the speedy recovery of Public Debts.
WHEREAS many large sums of money have been issued out of
the public treasury of the United States, and state of Maryland, to
divers persons who have not rendered any accounts for the same,
and congress having requested that a law might pass in each re-
spective state for the speedy recovery of debts due to the United
SEC. 2. Be it therefore enacted, by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the auditor-general, or any person or persons au-
thorized by congress, may cause process to issue in the general or
any county court of this state, for any debt or sum of money now due
and owing, or which shall hereafter become due to the United States,
against any person or persons whatever, inhabiting, residing or
being found within this state, or against any such person or persons
who have received or hereafter shall receive money from the trea-
sury of the United States, or by order of congress, and have not
rendered, or shall not render, an account for the same, and a decla-
ration or short note, expressing the cause of action, being filed with
the clerk of the court before issuing the writ, and a copy of such