The trustees of, authorized to make collections, &c, - 1831, ch, 282,
sec. 4, ...........
The provisions of this act extended to cases where sheriffs have died,
or time of office expired, and the security shall mnke appear to the
county court aforesaid, that they have suffered, or are in danger,
&c. relief not to be granted unless application be made within six
years after the death or end of the term aforesaid, except as to ap-
pointment of trustees as aforesaid — 1831, ch. 282, sec. 5,
May by virtue of fieri facias, &c. on judgment rendered by justice of
the peace, sell lands, & make return of fieri facias, &c. and his
proceedings thereunder to the justice, authorized to receive the
same, &c.— 1831, ch. 290, sec. 2, ......
Sheriff failing to remove beyond the limits of this state, any negro
within one month after information given, and money provided by
board of managers, to forfeit $50 in every case — 1832, ch. 145,
Sheriffs forbidden to summon justices of the orphans courts, as jurors
1832. ch. 170, sec. 2, ........'
To give public notice, under penalty of $50, of elections of represen-
tatives to congress, in case of extra sessions — 1832, ch. 275, sec. 6,
To take possession of any vessel or steamboat, for the purpose of cap-
turing vessels catching oysters contrary to law — 1832, ch. 276,
sec. 2, ...........
Directions to sheriffs where writs of fieri facias or attachment, are or-
dered to be laid on the capital stock or debt of any corporation —
1832, ch. 307, ...........
Fees regulated— 1832, ch. 307, sec. 17, ......
Legal notice of sales by sheriffs, prescribed : to advertise in one news-
paper, and notice to be set up at the court-house and other public
places, twenty days before the sale — 1833, ch. 92, sec. 2,
Sales by sheriffs after such notice, confirmed — 1833, ch. 92, sec. 2,
Their duties relative to persons catching oysters contrary fo law —
1833, ch. 254, ..........
Their fees to be collected within three years — 1833, ch. 258,
In cases of bill or petition to courts of equity, against the securities of
collectors or sheriffs, as provided by act of 1831, ch. 282, court
may order injunction to issue, and appoint receiver, &c. — 1834,
ch. 76, ...........
Clerk of court of appeals of the western shore, allowed until the 20th
March in every year, to furnish list of fees to sheriffs — 1834, ch.
90, sec. 1, ...........
Sureties of sheriffs liable to the same extent for such fees, as for other
officers' fees— 1834, ch. 90, sec. 2, ......
Constables and other officers not to summon more than two appraisers
in cases of distress for rent, to be entitled to twenty cents compen-
sation — 1834, ch. 192, sec. 4, .
To give information to the grand juries, of persons who have failed to
comply with the provisions of the acts regulating licenses. Grand
juries to make presentments, &c. — 1834, ch. 232, sec. 1,