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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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ing over to the jailor persons committed for criminal offences—


1835, ch. 212, ..........


Their bonds to embrace the money received on judgments, and for all


acts they shall perform in virtue of their office — 1835, ch. 342, ,


Their duties relative to vessels navigated under the sole command of


negroes— 1836, ch. 150, ........


In cases of removal of suits from one district court to another, papers,


&c. to be delivered to a constable of the county — 1836, ch. 276,


sec. 1, ...........


May take the bond of any party sued in the district courts, condi-


tioned for his appearance agreeably to the command of the capias,


where the cause of action does not exceed $50—1837, ch. 133,


sec. 1, .... .......




Coroners exempted from attendance as jurors — 1715, ch. 37, sec. 4, .


Manner of entering judgments against coroners on default for not


bringing in persons taken on execution, mesne process, or on de-


fault, and of recovering thereon — see Sheriff.


The fees to coroners established — November, 1779, ch. 25, sec. 5, p.


152; 1790, ch. 59, sec. 2,* ........


Upon payment of a judgment upon default against the coroner, the


coroner shall have like remedy as the plaintiff could have against


defendant — 1797, ch. 95, sec. 2, .......


Form of commissions to coroners — February, 1777, ch. 5, sec. 1,


The bond or recognizance of a coroner may be taken by any judge of


a district, or justice of the peace — 1805, ch. 65, sec. 48,


Fees to coroners on inquests — 1816, ch. 142, .....


Fees to jurors on coroners' inquests regulated — 1821, ch. 243, sec. 3,


The time, penalty, and form of coroners' bonds prescribed — 1824,


ch. 145, ...........


The duties of coroners are most generally those of the sheriff, and will be


found blended in this Index with the duties of sheriff.




Executions from the general or county courts may be directed to an


elisor, to be appointed by one judge or justice thereof, on his being


satisfied, by affidavit, that the sheriff cannot safely be trusted with


the execution thereof — 1794, ch. 54, sec. 5, .


The appointment to be filed with the clerk — 1794, ch. 54, sec. 5,


Such elisor to have the same power as the sheriff, the same fees, and


be subject to the same remedies — 1794, ch. 54, sec. 6, .


On his refusal, dying, &c. another may be appointed in the same man-


ner, &c. to whom the execution shall be directed — 1794, ch. 54,


sec. 6, .......


*See 1816, ch. 142; 1821, ch. 243; 1832, ch. 307.


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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 2795   View pdf image (33K)
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