maud a trial by jury, court to order a jury to be forthwith empa-
nelled, &c.— 1837, ch. 217, sec. 1, .....
Nothing herein to prevent the continuance of any case, for want of
evidence— 1837, ch. 217, sec. 2, .......
Supplement to the act to establish in the several counties of this slate,
&c.— 1838, ch. 380, .........
May issue attachments by way of execution on judgments obtained be-
fore them, or before any justices of the peace, &c. — 1838, ch. 380,
sec. 1, ...........
Entitled to the same fees therefor as for other writs — 1838, ch. 380,
sec. 1, ...........
Judgments, rendered by, not to be construed as liens upon lands, tene-
ments, &c.— 1838, ch. 380, sec. 3, ......
All attachments issued by, shall be returnable to the second term of
said court after such issue — 1838, ch. 380, sec, 4,
Writs of fieri facias, or capias ad satisfaciendum, shall be made returna-
ble at such terms of the court thereafter, not exceeding the third
term, as the court, or justices issuing the same, may prescribe —
1838, ch. 380, sec. 5,* ,
See Crimes and Punishments*
Every person, his aiders, &c. convicted of kidnapping and forcibly or
frauclulenty carrying, or causing to be carried out of the state, any
free person, or person entitled to freedom at or after a certain age,
&c. or knowingly arresting such person with such intent, to be
confined in the penitentiary not less than two nor more than ten
years— 1809, ch. 138, sec. 4
An act to prevent the unlawful exportation of negroes and mulattoes,
and to alter and amend the laws concerning runaways — 1817, ch.
112, .........
Any person, his aiders, &c. convicted of kidnapping and forcibly or
fraudulently stealing, taking or carrying away any while child or
children, under the age of sixteen years, to be confined in the peni-
tentiary not less than five nor more than twelve years — 1819,
ch. 132, . ........
There shall be two registers of the land-office, one upon the western
and one upon the eastern shore— Const, art. 51.
Short extracts of the grants and certificates of the land on the western
and eastern shores respectively to be made in separate books at the
public expense, and deposited in the offices of the said registers, in
such manner as should thereafter be provided by the general assem-
bly—Const, art 51.
* These laws have ceased to operate on very many of the counties, which can
be ascertained by consulting the 'Local Law.'