To hold their sessions respectively at such times and places as the
legislature should direct and appoint 1804, ch. 55, sec. 1, .
The salaries of the judges not to be diminished during the period of
their continuance in office 1804, ch. 55, sec. 1, .
The judges, on suggestion in writing of either party, supported by
affidavit, or other evidence, that a fair trial cannot be had in the
county, shall direct the record of their proceedings to be trans-
mitted to any county court within the district, to be tried by such
court 1804, ch. 55, sec. 2, .......
Such suggestion to be filed before or during the term in which the
issue may be joined 1804, ch. 55, sec. 2, .
Proviso for further remedy by law 1804, ch. 55, sec. 2, .
On such suggestion by a party presented or indicted, supported by
affidavit, the record to he removed to any adjoining county court
for trial ; proviso for further remedy by law 1804, ch. 55, sec. 3,
p. 491; 1805, ch. 65, sec. 49, .......
The record to be removed in like manner to the court having criminal
jurisdiction in any adjoining county 1809, ch. 139, sec. 20,
The record to be removed to any adjoining county fur trial, on such
suggestion in writing by the attorney-general, or prosecutor for the
state 1804, ch. 55, sec. 4, .......
County courts may adjudge negroes and mulattoes bound for a limited
time, who run away, to serve a reasonable time after 1804, ch. 90,
The judges to take the oath or affirmation therein prescribed 1805,
ch. 65, sec. 2, ..........
To be taken before any judge or justice, and certified by him, and re-
corded in any court of which the judge qualified is a member
1805, ch. 65, sec. 3, .........
The form of commissions to the judges prescribed 1804, ch. 65, sec. 3,
The county courts in each judicial district to be composed of all the
judges for such district 1805, ch. 65, sec. 5, ....
Any one or more empowered to hold the court, &c. 1805, ch. 65,
sec. 5, ...........
Appeals and writs of error to be returnable to the court of appeals for
the respective shores 1805, ch. 65, sec. 10, ....
No judge, after qualifying, to act as an attorney or solicitor during the
time that he shall act as judge 1805, ch. 65, sec. 12, .
Each of the judges to exercise, out of court, all the powers, &c. that
might have been done by any judge of the late general court, court
of appeals, or chief justice of a district court 1805, ch. 65, sec. 13,
When the chancellor is interested, in cases where bills may properly
lie, the chief judge of the district, in which the chancery court
shall sit, to decide thereon 1805, ch. 65, sec. 19, ...
An appeal to lie to the court of appeals 1805, ch. 65, sec. 19, .
Where the chancellor for the time being may have been counsel, or
have given his opinion, so that he cannot conscientiously act
thereon, and shall so certify, the suit to be determined by the chief
judge of the third judicial district, or the court, at the election of
either party 1806, ch. 55, p. 541 ; 1811, ch. 189,