done if such defendant or defendants had not been arrested on
the former writ of execution.
*1785, ch.
AN Additional Supplementary ACT, to an ACT,* entitled, an Act for
enlarging the powers of the High Court of Chancery.
See notes to the original act.
WHEREAS, by an act, entitled, an act for enlarging the powers
of the high court of chancery, passed at a session of the gene-
ral assembly of Maryland, begun and held at the city of Anna-
polis, on Monday, the seventh day of November, one thousand
seven hundred and eighty-five, full power and authority is given
to the chancellor to direct the sale of all lands in this state held
by minors, residents of this state; and it appearing reasonable
and right that lands, lying in this state, belonging to minors,
residents of any other state, should be subject to sale, for the
payment of the debts due from the deceased person, in the same
manner as the lands belonging to citizens of this state ;
to direct
the sale of
lands, &c.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the chancellor shall have the same power to direct the sale
of lands, lying within this state, belonging to minors, residents
pf any other state, for the payments of debts due from the
deceased, as he hath in the case of minors, residents of this
Notice to
be given,
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
petitioner or petitioners to the chancellor for the sale of the lands
as aforesaid, to give such notice to the guardian or guardians of
minors, non-residents of this state, in such manner as the chan-
cellor shall direct.
AN ACT respecting the settlers on the reserved lands westward of Fort
By this act further time was allowed to the settlers for the payment of
their purchase money.
AN ACT for the suppression of Fairs throughout this state.
Repealed by 1816, ch. 130.
AN ACT to repeal so much of the act concerning Marriages as is therein
Part of an
act repealed
*Feb 1777,
ch. 12.
Be U enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
so much of the act of assembly, entitled, *an act concerning
marriages, as prohibits and declares void marriages between per-
sons related within the following degrees of affinity, to wit: A
man with his wife's sister, or brother's wife; a woman with her