To pay the tame over within thirty days thereafter, under a penalty of
paying twenty-five per cent, on the money in their hands — 1825,
ch. 195, sec. 1, . . . . .
To retain six per cent, in their hands, for their trouble in receiving and
paying the same — 1825, ch. 195, sec. 1,
In actions upon their bonds, not necessary for the state, in reply to the
plea of performance, to set out at large, the breaches for which
damages are claimed, but may reply generally and give the special
matter in evidence, upon which damages may be assessed — 1825,
208, sec. 1, ..........
When required, to exhibit their dockets, records and fee books, and
the measure of damages shall be the amount charged for services
they have not performed — 1825, ch. 208, sec. 2, .
Neglect of duty in any county clerk, made a misdemeanor in office,
and such clerk may be removed — 1825, ch. 208, sec. 3,
Plea of non-damnificatus not to be allowed — 1825, ch. 208, sec. 4,
To renew their bonds at the fall terms of the county courts every
second year — 1825, ch. 208, sec. 5, .....
Clerks to grant licenses to ordinary keepers and retailers of spiritous
liquors on certain conditions — 1825, ch. 214, ....
They may grant appeals and approve of appeal and writ of error bonds
—1826, ch. 200, .........
The tax on their offices repealed — 1826, ch. 246, ....
Their fees of office regulated— 1826, ch. 247, .
Of county courts forbidden to charge for filing or recording magis-
trates' dockets — 1827, ch. 17, sec. 2, ......
May charge for transcripts thereof — 1827, ch. 17,
Of county courts, and of city court of Baltimore, required to issue
licenses to sell merchandise, &c. upon receiving twelve dollars
.therefor— 1827, ch. 117, sec. 2, .......
Of city court of Baltimore required to issue licenses to sell merchan-
dise, and also liquors, &c. not more than ten gallons, nor less than
one pint at a time, on receiving sixteen dollars therefor — 1827,
ch. 117, sec. 2, ..........
Of county and city courts, prohibited to issue licenses to sell liquors to
persons whom grand juries may object to — 1827, ch. 117, sec. 3,
Required on receiving twelve dollars therefor, to issue licenses for vic-
tualling house, cook-shop or oyster house, and on receiving eigh-
teen dollars therefor, licenses to sell liquors, &c. — 1827, ch. 117,
sec. 4, p. 930 ; modified by 1831, ch. 262, p. 1030; 1832, ch. 273,
Required to transmit, by the first of May and November, of each year,
to the treasurer of the western shore, lists and accounts of all li-
censes by them severally gianted — 1827, ch. 117, sec. 6,
To lay before the grand juries of their respective courts, on the first day
of their attendance the returns ipade by the sheriff of persons, &c.
liable to take out license, and also a list of all licenses granted, &c.
1827, ch. 117, ...........
Liable to penalty of from $100 to $1000, for neglect— 1827, ch. 117,