Persons, not citizens of the United States, shall not be executors or
administrators 1798, ch. 101, sub ch. 4, sec. 1, p. 381 ; sub ch.5,
sec. 1, ...........
Mode of trying and determining allegations thereon 1798, ch. 101,
sub ch. 4, sec. 2, 4,
No one to be commissioned as a notary who is not a citizen 1801,
ch. 86, sec. 2, ..........
Provision for the conveyance of land purchased by citizens, the title to
which is in British subjects 1805, ch. 49, .
Bights acquired by an alien white female intermarrying with a citizen,
and residing in the United States.
See Dower.
All free while persons who emigrated into or settled within this state,
before the adoption of the constitution of the United States, and had
continued inhabitants, deemed and declared to be entitled to all the
immunities of natural born citizens, so as to hold real estate, and
transfer the same -1813, ch. 105, ......
All property transferred by them, or their descendants, to citizens of
this or any other state, to be held, &c. as if they had been citizens
1813, ch. 105, .........
But not to interfere with the rights of any persons before acquired
1813, ch. 105, ........
Aliens having emigrated into this state since the adoption of the con-
stitution of the United States, and acquired lands, or title thereto,
and having afterwards become naturalized, to enjoy such lands, Sec.
as if naturalized at the time of acquisition 1814, ch. 79,
But not to interfere with the rights of any persons before acquired
1814, ch. 79, ..........
See Naturalization.
The salaries of certain officers of the civil government fixed and made
permanent 1828, ch. 197, .......
The governor and council to appoint the chancellor and all judges and
justices, the attorney-general, naval-officers, registers of the land
office, surveyors, and all other civil officers of government, (asses-
sors, constables and overseers of the road, only excepted,) Const.
art. 48.
They may also suspend or remove any officer who has not a commis-
sion during good behaviour Const, art. 48.
All civil officers of the appointment of the governor and council, who
do not hold commissions during good behaviour, shall be appointed
annually, hut if any of them shall be re-appointed, they may con-
tinue to act without any new commission or qualification, and
every officer, though not re-appointed, shall continue to act until