of contempt, or order of the chancellor, to bring in the persons
therein mentioned 1785, ch. 72, sec. 23, '.....
Proceedings directed against such sheriffs by amerciament, execution,
&.c. on their failing to comply with the orders of the court 1785,
ch. 72, sec. 23, ..........
Against sheriffs, &c. not making return of process 1785, ch. 72,
sec. 24, ...........
Manner of compelling a compliance with a judgment or decree 1785,
ch. 72, sec. 25, p. 222 ; 1818, ch. 193, sec. 4, ....
On a demurrer or plea being overruled upon argument or otherwise,
or being withdrawn without leave of the court, the sum of five
pounds and the costs thereof shall be paid by the opposite party,
to be enforced by process of contempt 1785, ch. 72, sec. 25,
The process of commission of rebellion and sergeant-at-arms, shall be
omitted in chancery 1785, ch. 72, sec. 26, ....
Appeals from the decision of the chancery court (in cases where they
lie,) shall be made within nine months therefrom and not after-
wards 1785, ch. 72, sec. 27, p. 223 ; 1818, ch. 193, sec. 1,
Proceedings in cases of injunction issued by order of the chancellor
to slay waste, and manner of enforcing such order 1785, ch. 72,
sec. 28, ...........
Proceedings directed where a mortgagor, his heirs, &c. shall be a
British subject, and the person having the right, a citizen 1785,
ch. 72, sec. 29, ..........
Where a mortgagor of real property within this slate to a citizen
thereof, shall reside out of the state and within the United States
1785, ch. 72, sec. 30, .........
Where the defendant residing out of the state is an infant, idiot, &c.
the same proceedings to be had against them as if residents 1735,
ch. 72, sec. 30, ..........
Proceedings in case of a bill tiled against a defendant or defendants in
this state, in which it may be necessary to join a defendant or de-
fendants out of the state 1785, ch. 72, sec. 31, .
The chancellor may appoint a messenger to attend his court, or a spe-
cial messenger at the request of the parlies to execute process, &,c.
1785, ch. 72, sec. 32, ........
His duty, allowance, &c, 1785, ch. 72, sec. 32, ....
The chancellor empowered to commit any person in contempt to the
custody of the messenger, to be closely confined in the gaol of
Anne Arundel county, or in the county where he lives, or may be
taken, till released by his order 1785, ch. 72, sec. 33,
If such person be the sheriff of a county, he may be confined in the
gaol of Anne Arundel county, or any one adjoining to his own, till
released as aforesaid 1785, ch. 72, sec. 33, ....
The chancellor may in all cases execute any order or decree in pursu-
ance of the power and authority hereby conferred 1785, ch. 72,
sec. 34, ...........
But nothing herein shall deprive any person of the liberty of appeal
1785, ch. 72, sec. 34, ........