Air AO? for better securing the payment of imposts and duties imposed
by law, and securing the persons of officers from violence in or for the
execution of their offices.
All of the provisions in this act are annulled by the transfer of jurisdic-
tion to the general government, over imposts and duties, save the 3d section.
Officer may
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That for any battery or assault
hereafter committed on the person of any officer in or for the
lawful execution of his office, or on the person of any other
assisting him therein, such officer or person, on a suit in the
general court of the shore where the offence was committed,
if the damages assessed shall be five pounds or upwards, shall
recover the damages assessed, and also double costs.
AN ACT enlarging the time for collection of Officers1 Fees by execution.
may collectn
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful for all and every person and persons
who executed the office of sheriff in any county next before the
last general election of sheriffs, and for all present and future
sheriffs of any county in Maryland, and all and every of the said
sheriffs are hereby authorized and empowered to receive and
collect, by execution or otherwise, all officers' fees which have
been or shall be put into their respective hands for collection
within the time limited by law, in the last year of their respec-
tive offices, and all fees which became or shall become due to
the said sheriffs respectively for official services performed in the
second year of their respective offices, in as full and ample
manner as the said sheriffs respectively might or could have
received and collected the same during the time of their being
sheriffs respectively, for the space of one year next ensuing the
expiration of their respective offices.
SEC. 2. Provided always, and it is enacted. That before any
collection as aforesaid shall be made of the said officers' fees by
execution, the person hereby authorized to collect the same shall
deliver to the person from whom the same is demanded, or leave
at his or her place of abode, a particular account, written in
words at full length, of the several services for which the said
fees are charged, and shall make the following oath, or affirma-
tion, before some justice of the peace, to be written on the same
paper with, or annexed to, the said account : 'I, A. B. do swear,
or affirm, that I have received no part or parcel of the money or
tobacco charged in the above account, or any security or satis-
faction for the same, except what is credited in the said ac-
By 1820, ch. 48; 1821, ch. 135, the county court or a judge thereof,
upon petition may grant further time.