AN ACT relating to Stock held by Non-residents, and to provide an easy
mode of transfering the same. — 1839, ch. 336.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly qf Maryland, That
if any person, being a resident of any other state, district or
territory of the United States, or of any foreign country, shall
die possessed of or entitled to any of the public stocks or debt
created or issued upon the credit of this state, or of the stock
or debt created or issued upon the credit of the city of Balti-
more, or of the capital stock of any joint stock company incor-
porated by the authority of this state, his right or title thereto
shall devolve upon his executor or administrator, duly consti-
tuted and appointed as such by the law of the state, district,
territory or country wherein he may have resided at the time
of his death, in the same manner as if the said executor or
administrator had been duly constituted and appointed as such
by the proper authority in this state.
Stock held
by foreign
residents to
devolve on
their death
to executor.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained
shall be construed to deprive the courts of this state of their
authority to grant letters testamentary or of administration on
the estate of any such deceased person ; and the right of an
executor or administrator duly appointed by the proper autho-
rity of this state, shall be preferred to the right of the executor
or administrator appointed by the authority of any other state,
Courts in
this state
may grant
which shall
have prece-
district or country ; Provided, that notice of the claim of the
domestic executor or administrator to such stock, be given to
the proper officer having charge of the stock-book, wherein
such stock is entered, and having authority to make or allow a
transfer thereof before any sale or transfer thereof has been
actually made by the foreign executor or administrator ; And
provided also, that administration shall not be granted to any
one in this state except to the next of kin, residuary legatee,
or a creditor, who shall make oath to and exhibit the voucher
of his claim before obtaining administration.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That no executor or administrator
deriving his authority by letters testamentary or of administra-
tion, granted in any other state, district, or territory of the
United States, or any foreign country, shall be authorized to
transfer any of the stocks embraced in the provisions of this
act, until after such executor or administrator shall have given
at least three months notice, by publication weekly, during the
said three months, in two daily newspapers published in the
city of Baltimore, stating in such advertisement, the death of
his testator or intestate, and the amount and description of
stock designed to be transferred.
executor to
give notice