for which the said purchaser shall purchase him, her or them,
with good and sufficient food, lodging and clothing.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if within ten days from the
end of the term for which any such negro or negroes, mulatto
or mulattoes, shall have been sold by virtue of the provisions
of the third section of this act, he or she shall not leave the
state, or hire him or herself to some respectable white person
to serve as a slave for the following year, then he or she shall
be again sold and disposed of as required and directed by the
said third section, and in like manner in each and every suc-
cessive year thereafter.
sold for
year, &c, if
not hired.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the purchaser of any free
negro or mulatto, by virtue of the provisions of the third and
fourth sections of this act, shall pay to the said negro or mu-
latto at the end of the term for which he or she shall be sold,
the amount of money bid for said negro or mulatto at the sale
thereof, after deducting the necessary costs and charges, the
sum of ten per centum as commissions to the officer, the sum
of five dollars to the informer, if there shall be one, and the
sum of one dollar to each of the justices, as a fee for their ser-
money to be
paid at the
end of the
term to the
vices ; Provided, that the purchase money aforesaid, after de-
ducting costs, charges and allowances, as aforesaid, which shall
be paid in cash at the time of sale, shall be secured by bond
with security, to the sheriff, for the use of said negro or mu-
latto, at the end of the term aforesaid ; which bond shall be
then assigned to said negro or mulatto, and may be recovered
as small debts now are recoverable by law.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if any free negro or negroes,
mulatto or mulattoes, sold by virtue of the provisions of the
said third and fourth sections of this act, shall be the father or
mother of any child or children, below the age of twenty-one
years, if male, or eighteen years, if female, then the justices of
the said magistrates' court or orphans court, as the case may
be, shall have the infant child or children brought before them,
and bound out as apprentices to good masters, to serve until
the age of twenty-one years, if male, and until the age of
eighteen, if female, in like manner as orphan children are now
bound out ; and all indentures made by the justices of the
magistrates' court, shall be by them returned to the orphans
court of the county in which said magistrates' court is situated,
and shall be subject to all the provisions of law regulating in-
Infant chil-
dren of Raid
negroes to
be bound
dentures of apprentices in this state ; Provided, that the inte-
rest in said apprentices shall in all respects be considered
personal property, and shall be liable to be transferred to any
person within this state, but said apprentices shall in no case
be removed out of the state.