A further SUPPLEMENT to chapter two hundred and eighty-one of Decem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, entitled, an Act relating to
the People of Colour in this Slate.— 1839, ch. 309.
sioners to
levy a cer-
tain amount
on Carroll
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall be the duty of the commissioners of the tax of
Carroll county to levy upon the assessable property in the
said county, and cause to be duly collected and paid into the
western shore treasury, two hundred and twenty-four dollars
and eighteen cents of the sums heretofore by the said original
act directed to be levied in Frederick and Baltimore counties,
together with the interest on the whole which shall have been
in arrear, it being the residue of Carroll county's proportion
thereof for the years 1837 and 1838, unprovided for by chapter
269, of the acts of December session, 1838.
amount to
be levied
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That from the year 1839, for the
current and each future year, the commissioners of the tax of
Carroll county, shall levy upon the assessable property in the
said county, and cause to be collected and paid into the western
shore treasury yearly, on or before the day in that behalf
limited by law, the sum of four hundred and thirty-nine dol-
lars and fifty-two cents for each year, as the proportion pro-
perly chargeable upon so much of Frederick and Baltimore
counties, as now constitute Carroll county.
Amount to
be drawn
yearly by
state colo-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the sum or sums of money
which it shall be lawful hereafter for the treasurer of the
western shore, in pursuance of the second section of the origi-
nal act, to which this is a further supplement, to pay to the
board of managers of the state colonization or their order, shall
not together exceed ten thousand dollars in the current or any
future fiscal year of this state.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That all acts heretofore passed
in relation to payments by Carroll county on account of the
colonization tax, be and the same are hereby repealed.
A further SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act concerning Crimes
and Punishments, passed at November session, eighteen hundred and
nine, chapter one hundred and thirty-eight. — 1839, ch. 316.
WHEREAS, the provisions of the original act and the several
supplements thereto, in relation to crimes and punishments in
this state, conflict with each other as to the extent of confine-
ment in the penitentiary in certain cases ; therefore, with a
view to reconcile the same,
Courts may
couvicts to
for not less
than eigh-
teen mouths
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the several county courts of this state, and the city court of
Baltimore, in sentencing convicts to the penitentiary in com-
pliance with the provisions of the act of December session,
eighteen hundred and thirty-six, chapter one hundred and