western shore, in place of so much of the said surplus reve-
nue, be by the said treasurer forthwith cancelled and returned
to the said commissioner, to be by him entered cancelled and
sioner of
loans au-
thorized to
sell bank
stock, and
pay pro-
ceeds to
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
commissioner of loans, and he is hereby authorized and re-
quired, to sell and transfer from time to time, as the necessities
of the treasury may require, and at such prices as he shall
deem it for the state's interest to accept, all the capital stock
of the several banks in this state now standing in the books
thereof to the credit of the state of Maryland, and to pay the
proceeds thereof, as received, to the treasurer of the western
shore, to be by him applied, in aid of the special deposites
aforesaid, to the payment of the interest upon the public debt
for the years eighteen hundred and forty and eighteen hundred
and forty-one.
agent ap-
pointed for
payment of
accruing on
state stock.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That Messrs. Baring, Brothers
and Company, of London, be, and they are hereby constituted
the agent of this state, for the payment of the interest on its
public debt, which is or shall be there payable, with an allow-
ance of one per cent, commission for the service ; and that it
shall be the duty of the commissioner of loans, semi-annually,
in April and October of each year, to draw upon the treasurer
of the western shore, for the amount of such interest and all
charges, and duly to transmit the same to the said Baring,
Brothers and Company, for disbursement in payment of the
said interest ; and that the treasurer of the western shore pay
to the order of the said commissioner, the amount of such, his
drafts, out of the funds hereby placed under his control for
that purpose.
bonds of
the state
may be
and certifi-
cates issued
in lieu
SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That upon the application of the
holder of any of the sterling bonds of this state, and upon the
surrender and cancelling of the same, and of their proper cou-
pons, the commissioner of loans shall be, and he is hereby
authorized and required, to issue to and in the name of the
said applicant or other person named by him, the ordinary loan
office certificate or certificates of debt of this state, for the prin-
cipal of the bond or bonds so surrendered to him as aforesaid,
converted into current money of the United States, at the rate
of four dollars and four-ninths of a dollar for each pound ster-
ling, to bear interest of five per centum per annum, from the
first of January or July next, after its issue, payable quarterly
at the state's loan office in Baltimore, and to be there redeem-
able at the pleasure of the state, after the time in that behalf
limited in and by the said sterling bonds.