act into execution, according to the true intent and meaning
Justices to
levy money,
SEC. 23, And be it enacted, That the justices of the said
county shall and they are hereby empowered and directed to
levy annually, in the usual manner, in said county, exclusive
of the money to be levied for the building and providing for
the poor-house, such sums of money as shall, to the trustees of
the poor in said county, appear proper and necessary for the
subsistence and accommodation of their poor, not exceeding
three shillings and nine-pence in the hundred pounds; which
said sums, when collected, shall be paid by the collector to the
order of such trustees, or the major part of them, under their
common seal, who are hereby authorized and required to re-
ceive and apply the same to the use and purposes as is directed
to be done in the ninth clause of this act.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act for the relief of the Poor of
Washington County— 1797, ch. 34.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Henry Schenebly, William Heyser and George Neigh, be and
they are hereby appointed trustees of the poor of Washington
county, and they, and their successors, are hereby invested
with full power and authority to discharge and perform the
several duties and trusts reposed in and required of them by
this act, and which by the act to which this is a supplement
were reposed in and required of the several persons named
and appointed in and by the said act trustees of the poor of
said county.
Modified by 1816, ch. 104.
Who shall
take an
oath, &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Henry Schenebly,
William Heyser and George Neigh, and each of them, and all
and every person or persons who shall or may hereafter be ap-
pointed trustee or trustees of the poor of Washington county
aforesaid, in the manner herein after directed, shall, with all
convenient speed, and before he or they shall proceed to act
as such, take and subscribe the following oath, or affirmation,
as the case may be, to wit: 'I, A. B. do solemnly swear, or
affirm, that I will well and faithfully execute and perform the
trust and duties reposed in or imposed upon me as a trustee of
the poor of Washington county, without favour, partiality or
affection, according to the best of my skill and knowledge;
which oath, or affirmation, the justices of the county court, or
any justice of the peace, may administer and take.
See preceding note.
Declared to
be one com-
munity, &c.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said trustees shall be,
and they are hereby declared to be, one community, corpora-
tion and body politic, for ever, by the name of The Trustees