act, to employ more than one-half of his own able-bodied
hands of colour, at any one time, nor at any other time than
when he calls on the taxable inhabitants of his section, as
herein before directed, except to repair broken bridges, or
remove temporary obstructions in or across said roads.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of regulat-
ing and establishing the wages of labourers, carts and teams
employed in the repair of said public roads, the following rate
of wages shall be allowed, to wit : for every able-bodied hand
not under eighteen nor over forty-five years of age, furnished
by a taxable inhabitant, at the request of a supervisor, he shall
be allowed and paid the sum of fifty cents, current money, per
day ; and for every cart and team occupied in hauling dirt,
timber or other materials necessary for the repair of the public
roads, the sum of one dollar, current money, per day; and that
the supervisor shall receive for his services, the sum of fifteen
dollars per annum.
Case of
roads, &c.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That if any of the supervisors
appointed in virtue of this act shall not sufficiently clear or
cause to be cleared, amended and repaired, the public roads
within his section, or shall suffer any fallen trees, or other
obstructions to remain in or across any of the said public roads,
whereby any carriage, carts, wagon or vehicle shall or may be
obstructed, for more than three days together, the said super-
visor having notice thereof, except in time of wheat harvest, or
shall neglect to fell all dead trees on either side of said road,
whose limbs overhang, and may by falling injure travellers, or
to lop or cut off any limbs or branches of trees hanging or
projecting over said roads within fifteen feet above the surface
thereof, or shall suffer any of the bridges or causeways of said
county to be out of repair, (except frame bridges exceeding
fifteen feet from abutment to abutment) or shall proceed to
Or employ-
ing other
employ other hands except those of the taxable inhabitants of
his section, without first giving the notice as herein before
specified, to such taxable inhabitants, or shall charge said
Or charg-
ing more,
county in a larger sum for any labour by him procured, for
the repair of said roads, than he shall actually and bona fide
have paid for the same, or shall in any wise fail to perform the
duty of supervisor, under this act, he shall forfeit and pay the
sum of five dollars, current money, for every such offence, to
be recovered by bill of indictment, before the court of Talbot
county, and applied to defray the charges and expenses of said
to take dirt,
timber, &c.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful
for the several and respective supervisors of the said roads,
and they are hereby authorized and empowered, as often as
shall be necessary, to dig, take and remove any stones, gravel