SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if the justices of the levy
court aforesaid in their judgment believe, that the objects of
this act will be more successfully promoted and accomplished
by the management of other persons ; then they are hereby
authorized and empowered to appoint five judicious persons of
said county ; and all the powers and authority vested by this
act in the justices of the levy court aforesaid, are hereby
granted to the five persons so appointed ; and upon the death,
resignation or removal from the county of them or any of
them, the justices of the levy court aforesaid shall fill such
vacancy or vacancies.
Five per-
sons may be
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the levy court of said
county, be, and are hereby authorized to assess and levy on
the assessable property of said county, such sum or sums of
money, and at such times as they may think necessary to carry
into effect the object and provisions of this act.
Levy autho-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the trustees of the poor
for said county, are hereby authorized and empowered here-
after to allow to the overseer of the said poor's-house, any sum
annually as a compensation for his services and superinten-
dance of said poor that they may deem right and reasonable,
any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
AN ACT, entitled, a Supplement to an Act to make sale of the Poor's-
house and Public Lands thereto belonging, in Talbot County. — 1833,
ch. 155.
Authorizes a sale of the poor-house and a purchase of other lands.
AN ACT relating to Pensions by County Assessment. — 1835, ch. 307.
See 'Charles County,' title 'Poor,' ante page 1859.
AN ACT to compel the Registers of Wills in the several Counties herein
mentioned to keep each his Office at the Seat of Justice in the County
for which he shall be Register.— 1804, ch. 39.
See 'Charles County,' title 'Register/ ante page 1861.
AN ACT to repeal an Act, entitled, a Supplement to an Act, entitled, an
Act for the better protection of Slaveholders in the several Counties
therein mentioned, so far as relates to Talbot and Dorchester Counties.
1819, ch. 18.
See 'Dorchester County,' title 'Retailers,' ante page 1908.
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