shall and they are hereby obliged, by the last day of April
next, where such mill or mills have already been built, or
within one month after the building of any other mill or mills
stopping or impeding the course of the water as aforesaid, to
make good and sufficient bridges and causeways, twelve feet
wide at the least, over the said branches or runs at the places
where the public or main roads crossed, or shall cross, such
branches or runs as aforesaid, and the said bridges and cause-
ways maintain and keep in good repair, under a penalty not
exceeding thirty dollars for each neglect or offence ; Provided,
that such person or persons, owner or owners, possessor or
occupier, of such mill or mills, shall not be obliged to work
upon, or send any of their labourers or hands who shall reside
in the precinct of such public road to work on any part of
such road, except on such bridges and causeways as aforesaid.
SEC. 28. And be it enacted, That from and after the first
Monday in April next, that the act of assembly, passed at Octo-
ber session, one thousand seven hundred and four,* entitled, an
act for the marking of highways, and making the heads of ri-
vers, creeks, branches and swamps, passable for horse and foot,
and the several supplementary acts thereto, the act passed at
September session, one thousand seven hundred and twenty-
Several acts
Ch. 21.
three,+ entitled, an act directing the manner of recovery of
fines for not appearing at the clearing of the highways, the act
of assembly passed at October session, one thousand seven
+ Ch. 17.
hundred and fifty-three,++ entitled, an act for repairing public
roads in this province, and the supplement thereto, the act
passed at November session, one thousand seven hundred and
++ Ch. 16.
ninety-four, § entitled, an act relating to public roads in this
state, and to repeal the acts of assembly therein mentioned,
and the supplements thereto, the act passed at November ses-
§Ch. 52.
sion, one thousand seven hundred and ninety- seven, || entitled,
an act respecting the roads of Somerset and Worcester coun-
ties, and the supplement thereto, so far as they relate to
Somerset county, be and the same are hereby repealed.
A SUPPLEMENT to the A CT, entitled, an Act relating to the Public Roads
in Somerset County. — 1799, ch. 5.
|| 1796, ch.
1707, ch.
WHEREAS, the act to which this is a supplement requires
the justices of the peace for said county, or a majority of them,
to execute the several duties thereof, and it has been found,
from practice and experience, that the said justices, or a majo-
rity of them, do not readily meet or convene for the purposes
aforesaid ; therefore,
SEC. 2. Power of appointment vested in Levy Court, by 1820, ch. 49.
SEC. 3. And, whereas the. twelfth section of the said act
imposes a fine of one dollar on the master, mistress or overseer
&c. may be