Three com-
No. 1.
elections of commissioners hereafter to be held as provided for
in this act, Somerset county shall be divided into three com-
missioners' districts, in the following manner, to wit : election
districts number one, two, three, and nine, to compose the first
commissioners' district; election districts number four, five,
No. 2.
seven, eight, and ten, to compose the second commissioners'
district ; and election district number six to constitute the
No. 3.
third commissioners' district, and that two of the said per-
sons to be voted for as commissioners as aforesaid, shall be
of commis-
residents of the first commissioners' district, two shall be resi-
dents of the second commissioners' district, and two shall be
residents of the third commissioners' district, and the said six
persons shall be styled Commissioners for Somerset county,
and the judges of elections for each district, or a majority of
Return of
them, shall certify and return, in form and manner similar to
their certificates and return of the election of delegates as
aforesaid, the number of votes given in the said several elec-
tion districts for each commissioner; and the returning judges
of election shall meet, on the Friday next succeeding the said
election in March, at the court-house in Princess Anne, in the
said county, and when so met, they shall ascertain and certify
the number of votes given as aforesaid for commissioners, the
fiuid certificate shall be made out and filed by the said return-
ing judges of election, in form similar to the certificates of the
election of delegates, to be delivered to the clerk of the county
To be
court, whose duty it shall be to record the same, and the two
persons, resident as aforesaid in the first commissioners' dis-
trict, and the two resident in the second commissioners' dis-
trict, and the two resident in the third commissioners' district,
who shall be ascertained by the said returning judges to have
received the largest number of votes in the whole county at
the said election, shall be declared to be duly elected commis-
sioners for Somerset county ; and the said commissioners,
elected as aforesaid, shall have, use and exercise all the pow-
183T, cb.
ers and authority vested in the commissioners for Somerset
county, by the act of assembly of December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty-seven, chapter eighty-seven, entitled, an
act to abolish the levy court, provide for the appointment of
commissioners for Somerset county, and prescribing their
duties, and shall be subject to all the .liabilities contemplated
by the said act, and shall in all respects comply with the re-
quisitions and conditions of the said act, except as herein
otherwise provided ; and the said commissioners, at their first
meeting after their election and qualification, shall be divided
into three classes, consisting of two in each class, the two
sioners to
bo classified
persons elected commissioners from the first commissioners'
district shall constitute the first class, and shall continue in