sors, &c.
for part, &c
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That in case the said levy court
cannot make a contract or contracts, for repair of the public
roads in said county, or any part or parts thereof, at such price
or prices as they may deem reasonable, the said levy county*
shall have power to appoint supervisors to superintend the
repair of such roads or parts thereof as they cannot contract
for, in the manner now authorized by law.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That all such part or parts of
previous acts as are inconsistent with this act, are hereby
1816, ch. 256, ante page 654, distributes the fund.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, a further additional Supplement to the
Act for the distribution of a certain fund for the purpose of establishing
Free Schools in the several Counties therein named. — 1824, ch. 14.
to invest
funds for
ry county.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the treasurer of the western shore forthwith invest, by
a purchase of stock of the Bank of Baltimore, the sum of four
thousand one hundred and seventy-nine dollars and twenty-
five cents, reported by him as a balance of the school fund in
cash, standing to the credit of Montgomery county on the first
day of December, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, in the
said Bank of Baltimore, and place the same to the credit of the
commissioners of the school fund for said county.
For Prince
and Freder-
ick counties
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of the western
shore do forthwith invest, by a purchase of stock of the said
bank, the sum of eight hundred and twelve dollars and forty-
five cents, being the balance reported by the treasurer as due
to the commissioners of the school fund for Prince George's
county, and the sum of one thousand eight hundred and five
dollars and eighty cents, being the balance reported as due to
the commissioners of the school fund of Frederick county, and
place the same to the credit of the commissioners of the respec-
tive counties.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act for the distribution of a certain
fund for the purpose of establishing Free Schools in the several Counties
therein mentioned. — 1825, ch. 157.
WHEREAS, a fund has been pledged for the establishment of
free schools throughout this state, by an act passed December
session, eighteen hundred and sixteen, chapter one* hundred
and fifty-six, entitled, an act for the distribution of a certain
fund for the purpose of establishing free schools in the several
counties therein named, and the said act and its several sup-
plements have directed that the said fund shall be equally
divided among the several ounties of this state,