schools for
each dis-
Name and
appoint one intelligent and reputable citizen in each election
district of said county, as a manager of primary schools in said
county, and the five persons so appointed, shall be styled and
known as the managers of primary schools, in Montgomery
county, and'in case any of the persons so appointed, or to be
Case of
appointed as aforesaid, shall refuse to serve, or die, or remove
from the district whence elected, or otherwise become incapa-
ble of serving, the vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by the
said commissioners, at their next ensuing meeting.
Oath of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That each of the said managers,
before he enters upon the execution of his office, and within
fifteen days after notification of his appointment by said com-
missioners, shall take and subscribe an oath before some justice
of the peace in said county, in the form following, that is to
say : I do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, or affirm
(as the case may be,) that I will in all things, to the best of my
knowledge and ability, well and truly execute the trust re-
posed in me as manager of primary schools for the county,
Duty of
justice of
peace to
without favour or partiality ; and every justice of the peace,
before whom such oath shall be taken, shall, without fee or re-
ward, certify the same in writing, and within eight days there-
after, transmit or deliver said certificate to the clerk of Mont-
gomery county court for record, and if any person so chosen or
Forfeit for
refusing to
serve, &c.
appointed manager, shall refuse to serve in said office, or shall
serve therein, before he shall have taken and subscribed such
oath as aforesaid, in every such case he shall forfeit and pay the
sum of twenty dollars, to be recovered with cost of suit, before
any justice of the peace, to the use of the primary schools, in
the district for which such person was chosen or appointed.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said managers shall
hold two stated meetings in each year, which meetings shall
be held at Rockville, at such times as shall be determined on
Notice re-
by said managers, and of which they shall give public notice in
each of suid election districts, and such other meetings as cir-
cumstances may from time to time require, but if less than
three members attend any meeting, no business shall be trans-
acted thereat, except that of adjourning to some time and place,
to be agreed on by the managers present, and at all meetings of
shall attend
said managers, the treasurer of the school fund of Montgomery
county, shall attend and lay before them his books and accounts,
for their inspection and examination.
Record of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said managers shall
cause to be kept regular minutes of all their acts and proceed-
ings, recorded in a book to be kept for the purpose, and said
minutes, or a copy thereof, certified to be correct, under the
hand and seal of a majority of said managers, shall be consi-
dered evidence of their acts and proceedings, in all judicial