lawful for such tenants to pay the tax thereon, who shall be
allowed the same by his landlord in his rent, upon producing
the collector's receipt, shewing that he has paid the same.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That all and every law, usage or
custom heretofore existing or in use, which is repugnant to,
or inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall be, and is
hereby declared to be annulled, abrogated and repealed, so far
as respects the county herein mentioned.
Laws and
usages re-
pugntnt to
this re-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the county court of Kent
county, be, and they are hereby directed to dismiss all pre-
sentments heretofore made against the owners of gates in said
county, upon the parties paying the cost thereon.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act for the improvement of the
Public Roads in Kent County, passed at November session, eighteen
hundred, chapter fifty-eight. — 1837, ch. 170.
ments dis-
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the justices of the levy court for Kent county, at their next
annual meeting under the act aforesaid, for the regulation of
the conduct of supervisors, shall fix and establish rates for the
hire of labourers on the public roads of said county, and are
Authority to
fix rites.
hereby authorized and directed to assess and levy on the as-
sessable property of said county, a sufficient sum to allow each
and every able-bodied hand that may hereafter be employed on
Levy au
the public roads of said county, the sum of seventy cents per
day for labourers.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act to regulate Gates in Kent
County, passed May session, eighteen hundred and thirty-six,* chapter
three hundred and fifty seven.— 1837, ch. 195.
WHEREAS, by the third section of an act passed at May ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, chapter three hundred
and fifty-seven, a tax of two dollars and fifty cents is imposed
on each and every gate in said county, being on the public
roads of said county, and the said tax being considered onerous
and oppressive ; therefore,
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
so much of the third section of said act, as imposes a tax of
two dollars and fifty cents on each and every gate, is hereby
repealed ; and a tax of one dollar, and no more, shall hereafter
annually be paid for each and every gate kept on the public
roads of said county, by the person keeping the same.
1816, ch. 244, see 'Cecil County; title 'Schools,' ante page 1850.
The modifications of this system, from time to time, may be traced in
the acts under this chapter.
1816, ch. 256, ante page 654, distributes the fund.
Tax $1.