top of the
dum to ho
12 feet
crosses, or shall cross, and have erected, or shall orect, any
dam for such mill or mills, such person or persons, or the
owner, possessor or occupier, of such mill or mills, shall be and
they are hereby obliged to make the top of the said darn twelve
feet wide at the least, and make good and substantial bridges
over the waste and race of the said mills and dams twelve feet
wide, and the same keep in good repair; and if the owner or
owners, possessor or occupier, of any such mill or mills, shall
refuse or neglect to do what is by this act required, and shall
be thereof legally convicted, lie, she or they, shall forfeit and
pay a sum not exceeding fifty dollars for each neglect or offence,
to be recovered and applied as aforesaid.
when to be
SEC. 23. And be it enacted. That where any damages shaft
be allowed to any person or persons for opening any public
road through his, her, or their land, the payment shall not be
made until the road be actually laid out and opened.
not to work
with loss
than eight
SEC. 24. And be it enacted, That no supervisor shall pro-
ceed to work on any public road with a less number of able-
bodied labourers than eight, unless it be for removing some
fallen trees, or other obstruction, on forfeiture of his wages for
the time that a less number shall be employed, to be deducted
out of his allowance by the levy court.
Levy court
to contract
for opening
SEC. 25. And be it enacted, That the justices of the levy
court aforesaid shall have full power to contract with any per-
son or persons for the opening or clearing any road hereafter
laid out in Kent county, and for the improving and keeping in
repair any road, or such part thereof as, in their judgment, shall
seem most advisable and for the interest of the county ; and
where any person or persons shall contract for the keeping in
repair of any public road in virtue of this act, and shall neglect
to keep the same in such repair as it is the duty of the super-
visors by law to do, then such person or persons, so contract-
ing, shall be subject to the same penalties as supervisors of
public roads in Kent county in like cases are, to be recovered
and applied in the same manner ; and every person or persons
so contracting with the justices of the levy court fur Kent
county shall give bond to the state of Maryland, with such
security as the justices of the levy court shall approve of, and
in such sum or penalty as they shall require, for the perfor-
mance of such contract, and such contractors shall have and ex-
ercise all the powers which supervisors of public roads in Kent
county may have by virtue of this act, except the powers given
to supervisors by the eighteenth section of this act.
An net
* Ch. 81.
SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That the act passed at Novem-
ber session, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine,* entitled, an
act relating to the public roads in Kent county, be and the
same is hereby repealed.
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