50 cts. per
courts in said county, shall be entitled to receive, instead of
the sum now allowed, the sum of fifty cents per day, and the
sum of six and a quarter cents per mile, as provided for in the
first section of this bill, to be collected and paid, as the law in
such cases already provides.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That all acts inconsistent with or
repugnant to the provisions of this act, so far as the same re-
lates to Kent county, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
See 1838, ch. 305, title 'Levy Court,' post page 1992.
See 'Calvert County,' title 'Crows,' ante page 1730.
A further SUPPLEMENT to an ACT regulating Fences in Charles and
Allegany Counties, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty-six, chapter eighty-two. — 1828, ch. 101.
See 'Charles County,' tiile 'Fences,' ante page 1850.
1833, ch.47, repealed by 1834, ch. 151.
AN ACT regulating Joint Fences in Kent County. — 1834, ch. 151.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That wherever joint fences have been, or may be established in
Kent county, for the mutual benefit and advantage of different
owners or possessors of adjoining lands, it shall be the duty of
each parly to keep up in good repair, his, her, or their just and
respective portions thereof: in the manner following, that is
to say, all post and rail or plank fences, shall be at least four
feet six inches high, and not more than four inches between
the lower and second, and not more than five between the se-
cond and third rails, and all worm or other fences shall be five
feet high, the height of said fences in every case to be com-
puted from the ground or base of any embankment upon which
said fence may be erected.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if either of the parties so
making or keeping a joint fence, shall not comply with the
foregoing provision, and shall refuse or delay to repair the said
fence within twenty days after notice in writing shall be given
to the said party, his agent, tenant, or overseer, then upon
proof thereof before any justice of the peace, it shall be lawful
for the said justice under his hand and seal, to authorize the
party aggrieved and suffering by such refusal or delay to repair
or construct the joint fence, as above required, and for such re-
Method of
pairs or construction as the case may be, shall be reimbursed
all costs and reasonable expenses incurred, to be recovered
from the party so refusing or delaying, in the same manner as
debts of a like amount are now recoverable, all which said