An ACT to encourage the destruction of Wolves and Crows in the several
Counties therein mentioned. — 1797, ch. 22.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland
That as often as any free person or persons shall being before
any justice of the peace within the counties of Harford or
Montgomery the head or heads of any wolf or wolves, anc
make oath, or affirmation, that the wolf or wolves of which he
or they produce the head or heads were actually caught and
killed within the limits of that county in which he or they
pray an allowance, and within six days next before the produ-
cing the same to such justice, that then such justice shall, and
he is hereby authorized and directed to give such person or
persons producing a certificate for such head or heads pro-
duced and proved as aforesaid, and in such certificate to men-
tion the oath, or affirmation, taken, and therein distinguishing
which or how many of the heads of the old or young wolves ;
and every justice who shall have any wolf's head or heads
brought before him by any person or persons as aforesaid, shall
be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to judge of the
age of the said wolf or wolves, of which the head or heads
was brought before him, and if such justice shall believe the
age of such wolf or wolves to exceed six months, that then he
shall distinguish the same in his certificate by the words Old
Wolf or Wolves ; and that every justice before whom any
wolfs head is brought, and by whom a certificate shall be given
as aforesaid, is hereby authorized and directed, immediately to
cause the ears to be cut off, and the tongue taken out of and
from the head or heads of such wolf or wolves, and burnt, to
prevent such head or heads from being a second time carried
before a justice in order to obtain a certificate.
Justice to
give a cer-
tificate, &c
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That every person or persons
who shall produce a certificate as aforesaid to the justice of the
county wherein the said wolf or wolves were killed, at the
levy court, shall, for every old wolf's head be allowed thirty
dollars, and for every young wolf's head be allowed four
dollars, to be by the said justices assessed and levied in the
county levy, together with the collector's salary for collecting
the same, and to be paid by the collector to such person or
persons as shall be entitled to the same as aforesaid.
To be al-
lowed at
the levy
court, &c.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person residing in
Harford, Montgomery or Cecil counties, shall bring to any
justice of the peace of the county in which such person shall
reside, the head or heads of any crow or crows, such person
shall, for every such head, be allowed in the county levy of
the said county the sum of eight cents, and the justice of the
Persons to
bo allowed,