trict in which the voter is entitled to vote for delegates as afore-
said, and also having the same qualifications as are or shall be
required for such delegates, to be a commissioner for Harford
county ; and the judges of election for each district in said
county, or a majority of them, shall certify under their hands
and return in u form and manner similar to their certificates
and return of the election of delegates aforesaid, the number of
votes given in their said respective districts for a commis-
sioner as aforesaid ; and the judges from the several election
districts in said county, when met at the court-house of the
said county to ascertain and certify the election of delegates as
aforesaid, shall ascertain the number of votes given as afore-
said, for commissioners as aforesaid, in the said election dis-
tricts respectively, and by a certificate, to be filed in the office
of the clerk of the county court of the said county and which
shall be by said clerk recorded, certify in a form similar to the
certificate of the election of delegates, that the five persons by
name, residents respectively of the five election districts in
said county, who they shall ascertain received the greatest
number of votes in the districts in which they so severally
reside, are duly elected commissioners for Harford county, to
serve for the period of three years from the date of their said
election ; and if any commissioner so elected shall die, resign,
refuse or neglect for twenty days to qualify as commissioner,
under this act, or shall remove from the said county at any time
within the period for which he shall have been elected, the
governor and council shall appoint a person qualified as is
herein before provided in case of an original election, to fill his
place until the next annual election for delegates to the general
assembly, when the said voters of the district in which such
commissioner so dying, resigning, refusing, neglecting to qua-
lify, or removing from the county, as aforesaid, was elected,
shall vote in like manner as at first, for another person with
like qualifications, as such commissioner, to serve for the residue
of his said term.
Modified by 1831, ch. 21, and 1838, ch. 56.
Oath of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That every commissioner elected
or appointed as aforesaid, shall before he enters on the duties
of his office, take and subscribe before some judge or justice
of the peace, an oath or affirmation, that he will faithfully, dili-
gently and impartially exercise the powers, and perform the
duties of commissioner for Harford county, as authorized and
enjoined by law, according to the best of his skill and judg-
ment, without being influenced by favour, affection, hatred,
malice or ill-will, and that he will in making all appointments
to office, vote for such person, among those willing to accept,
as in his judgment and belief shall be most capable, and best