AN ACT to regulate the meetings of the Trustees of the Poor of Dorchester
County.— 1825, ch. 10.
WHEREAS, it is provided by the ninth section of a supple-
mentary act, passed at November session, eighteen hundred
and twelve, chapter twelve, that the trustees for the poor of
Dorchester county, should meet four times a year, to wit: the
second Monday in June, October, January and April ; And
whereas, on experience the aforesaid days have been found in-
convenient, forasmuch as they interfere with the public days
of the county aforesaid ; therefore,
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
after the passage of this act, it shall and may be lawful for the
trustees of the poor, for Dorchester county, to meet on the
second Thursday in January, April, June and October, and as
much oftener as they may deem proper for the advantage of the
institution over which they preside.
Time of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all such parts of the ninth
section of the law, passed as aforesaid, which are repugnant to
the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed
and made void.
AN ACT to regulate the per diem of Justices of the Levy Court and
Trustees of the Poor for Dorchester County, and for other purposes.
1830, ch. 84.
See ante page 1886, title 'Levy Court.'
AN ACT to authorize the Trustees of the Poor of Dorchester County, to
purchase a farm for the use of the Poor, and to sell the present Alms-
house of said County, and for other purposes. — 1831, ch. 256.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the trustees of the poor of Dorchester county, be, and they
are hereby authorized, whenever they or a majority of them,
shall deem it expedient, and for the interest of the inhabitants
of Dorchester county and the comfort of the poor, to contract
for, and purchase a farm not exceeding five hundred acres, and
for them and their successors to hold the same in trust, for the
to purchase
a farm.
use of the county, and to erect thereon, and at their discretion,
suitable buildings and improvements, of brick or wood, for the
accommodation of the poor, the cost of which farm so purchased,
and improvements shall not exceed the sum of ten thousand
dollars, which shall be levied upon and collected from the in-
habitants of Dorchester county, as other county charges are
levied and collected, and paid over to said trustees or to their
order; Provided, that a sum not exceeding two thousand
dollars shall be levied and collected in any one year.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the trustees aforesaid, be,
and they are hereby authorized to provide suitable farming