charges and allowances are to be levied, collected and paid
over, as other county charges.
Parts of acts
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That any thing in the said ori-
ginal act, or the supplement thereto, which is repugnant to, or
inconsistent with, the provisions of this act, shall be, and the
same is hereby repealed.
1822, ch. 69, authorizes a sale of a part of the poor-house lands ; 1833,
ch. 124, partially repeals 1822, ch 69; 1835, ch. 191, authorizes addi-
tional buildings.
1816, ch. 178, see 'Calvert County/ title, 'Prisoners,1 ante page 1743.
1790, ch, 32. authorizes the opening and keeping in repair many post
roads. They are of too limited concern to be introduced into this compila-
AN ACT relating to Public Roads in the several Counties therein mentioned.
1821, ch. 152.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this general assembly
by the petition of sundry inhabitants of this state, that the act
entitled, an act to regulate the manner of obtaining and altering
public roads in this state, have been inadequate to the purposes
intended thereby ; therefore,
Levy court
may open
roads, &c.
SEC. 1. Be U enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy courts of Harford, Baltimore and Cecil counties,
in all cases when a number of respectable inhabitants of their
county shall apply to them in writing, have the same power to
open any new road, or shut up or alter any old road, as they
have or heretofore have had by the act entitled, an act relating
to public roads in this state, and to repeal the acts of assembly
therein mentioned, passed at November session, seventeen
hundred and ninety-four, chapter fifty-two, to widening and
straighten any old road heretofore laid out as a public road ;
and the proceedings in all cases of an application to the levy
court for opening a new road or for vacating or altering any
old road, shall be the same as regulated or provided for by the
said act of seventeen hundred and ninety -four, except that of
ascertaining damages to land-holders over whose land any road
may be laid.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners that may
be appointed under the provisions of this act to lay out any
road, or to straighten, alter or amend any old road, shall ascer-
tain what damages the land-holder or land-holders over whose
land any such road may be laid, shall sustain, if any, taking
into consideration the advantages and disadvantages that shall