Vacancy of
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That in case of a vacancy occur-
ring in the office of clerk to the commissioners of the tax as
created by this act, in consequence of death, resignation, remo-
val or disqualification, the same shall be supplied as soon there-
after as may be practicable, in the manner prescribed by the
preceding section of this act.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall
be entitled to receive two dollars each per day, for every day
they shall necessarily attend to the duties of their office, and
twelve and a half cents for every mile, they may have to travel
to the place of meeting of the said commissioners, and the said
clerk to the commissioners of the tax to be appointed in virtue
of this act as aforesaid, shall be entitled to and receive as a
compensation for his services, such sum annually as the said
commissioners may direct, not exceeding the sum of four hun-
dred dollars, to be levied on the assessable property of said
county, and collected and paid over as other county charges.
List and
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That the clerk of Carroll county
court, shall annually on or before the first Monday of March,
furnish to and lay befoie the said commissioners all copies of
such lists, accounts, papers and documents, as may be useful
and necessary to the said commissioners in ascertaining the
county charges, and according to the direction which he may
from time to time receive from the said commissioners, for
Fees there-
which services he shall have and receive such fees as by law
he is entitled to for like services; and in case the said clerk of
Carroll county court, shall neglect or refuse to comply with
the requisitions of this act, when called on by the said commis-
sioners or the clerk thereof, by their order, he shall for every
Penalty for
such neglect or refusal, forfeit and pay to the said commis-
sioners for the use of the county the sum of one hundred dol-
lars, to be recovered by indictment or action in Carroll county
AN ACT authorizing the Commissioners of the Tax of Carroll County to
appoint Constables and other Officers of Carroll County, and borrow
money.— 1836, ch. 190.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of the tax of Carroll county be, and
they are authorized and required to commence their first meet-
ing or session, at the seat of justice of said county, on the first
Monday of April next, and continue the same as long as may
be necessary to do the business required to be done, and at
such first session or meeting shall and may appoint constables,
supervisors of roads and all other officers by them to be ap-
pointed, and take and approve their bonds, and the said officers
appointed as aforesaid shall hold and continue in their offices
until the appointment and qualification of their successors, and