before directed, to labour in repairing the public roads, except
to repair broken bridges or accidental obstructions in or across
said roads.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of regulat-
ing and establishing wages for labourers, carts and teams em-
ployed in repairing said roads, the following rates shall be
allowed, to wit : for every able-bodied hand, not under eighteen
years, nor over fifty years of age, furnished by a taxable at the
request of a supervisor, he shall be allowed and paid by the
county levies, the sum of sixty cents current money ; and for
every cart and team occupied by hauling dirt, timber, or other,
materials necessary for the repair of the public roads, the sum
of one dollar per day ; and for every day which each supervi-
sor shall be necessarily employed in attending on said roads as
supervisor., he shall be entitled to two dollars per day ; Pro-
vided, he has under his superintendance on such day not less
than eight hands, but if under that number he shall only re-
ceive a sum proportionable thereto for the superintendance of
such smaller number; the said compensations to the said super-
visors to be also considered as in full for his services in warn-
ing the hands in, on each occasion.
Neglect of
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That if any of the supervisors
appointed in virtue of this act shall not sufficiently clear, or
cause to be cleared, amended, and kept in good order and re-
pair, the public roads within his district, or shall suffer any
fallen trees, or other obstructions, to remain in, or across any
of the said public roads whereby any cart, wagon, or other
carriage, may be obstructed, for more than three days together,
he having notice thereof (except in time of wheat harvest) or
shall neglect to fall all dead trees on either side of said public
roads, whose limbs hang over, and may, by their falling, in-
jure travellers, or to lop or cut off all limbs or branches of
trees hanging or projecting over the road within fifteen feet
above the surface thereof, or shall suffer any of the bridges or
causeways to be out of repair (except framed bridges exceeding
fifteen feet from abutment to abutment) or shall otherwise fail
to perform the duties of a supervisor, he shall forfeit and pay
a sum of money not exceeding ten dollars for every such
offence, to be recovered by bill of indictment, before the county
.court of Caroline county, and applied to defray the county
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That it shall and may be lawful
for the several and respective supervisors of the said roads,
and they are hereby authorized and empowered, as often as
need shall require, to dig, take and remove any stones, gravel,
or earth, which may be found on any land adjoining the roads,
and for the repairing of which the same may be necessary, and