1798, ch. 16 ; 1816, ch. 65 ; 1821, ch. 33, merged in 1822, ch. 58.
AN ACT relating to the Public Roads in Caroline County. — 1822, ch. 58.
WHEREAS the present mode of repairing the public roads in
Caroline county, is found by experience to be imperfect, and
subject to various abuses, whereby the county taxes are much
enhanced, to the emolument of individuals only ; therefore,
Levy court
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the justices of the levy court for the county aforesaid, or a
majority of them be, and they are hereby authorized and re-
quired to meet together on the 1st Monday of April next, and
on the same day in every year thereafter, at the court-house in
said county, and when so met together, the said justices, or a
majority of them, shall be, and they are hereby authorized and
required (if not already done to their satisfaction) to describe,
ascertain, and distinctly record, in a well bound book, to be
(if necessary) provided by them for that purpose, the several
and respective roads and public highways in the said county,
and to nominate and appoint capable and judicious persons as
supervisors of the several and respective roads aforesaid, ac-
cording to the number and divisions of the said roads into dis-
tricts, as the same are or shall be ascertained upon their records
according to the discretion of the said court, as to the number
of districts.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person appointed a
supervisor, in virtue of this act, and refusing to serve as such,
or to comply with the requisites thereof, except for a reasona-
ble excuse, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars, to
be recovered in the name of the state, before any justice of the
peace of said county ; such suit to be ordered by the levy
court, if in session, at the time of such refusal ; but if in the
recess of their session, then to be ordered by the president of
said court, and when recovered to be applied by the levy court
towards defraying the county charges ; Provided, that no one
person shall be compelled to act as supervisor more than one
year in every three years, without his consent.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any supervisor appointed
under this act shall refuse to act, remove out of the county,
become disqualified, or die, in the recess of the said court, it
shall and may be lawful for any two justices of the said levy
court to supply every such vacancy so happening, by the ap-
pointment of another suitable person to act as supervisor, under
the same penalties and regulations as if he had been appointed
by a majority of the said justices; and the said justices shall
.certify every such appointment under their hands to the clerk