the county, which levy, when so made, shall entitle the pri-
soner to his or her immediate discharge, provided he or she
shall pay the fine, or be legally discharged therefrom.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if in the recess of the said
levy court the said prisoner shall obtain, from under the hands
of a majority of said court, that they will levy the said fees at
their next session, such certificate shall be binding on said
court, or their successors, and shall entitle the prisoner to his
or her immediate discharge, under the proviso contained in the
first section of this act.
AN ACT, entitled, an Act to repeal an Act to establish Magistrates' Courts
in the several counties of this State, and to prescribe their jurisdiction,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, chapter
two hundred and one, together with all the supplements thereto, so far
as the same relates to Caroline County. — 1838, ch. 157,
from a ma-
jority of
court to be
SEC. I. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That an act, entitled, an act to establish magistrates' courts in
the seveial counties of this state, and to prescribe their juris-
diction, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty-five, chapter two hundred and one, together with all the
supplements thereto, be, and the same are hereby repealed, so
far as the same relates to Caroline county.
Art re-
pealed as to
C. Co
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in all cases where suits have
been instituted in said courts for the recoveryof a sum not ex-
ceeding fifty dollars, if no judgment has been rendered thereon,
it shall be the duty of the respective chief judges of said courts
to deliver to some justice of the peace of the district or county,
all the papers and proceedings relative thereto ; and in case
any writ of capias ad respondendum, scire facias, capias ad
satisfaciendum, or fieri facias, issued by either of the said
courts, for the recovery of a sum not exceeding fifty dollars,
shall be in the hands of the sheriff, or any constable of said
county, and not returned, it shall be the duty of the said sheriff,
or constable, as the case may be, to return the same before
some justice of the peace of the district, or county, who shall
take such proceedings thereon as if the same had been origi-
nally issued by a single justice.
suite, Sec
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
respective chief judges of said couits, and they are hereby
required forthwith, to return to the clerk of said county, the
dockets kept by the said courts, and it shall be the duty of the
said clerk, upon the application of the plaintiff or plaintiffs, his,
Dockets to
be returned
to county
her, or their agent, or attoiney, to make out a true copy of any
judgment, where the sum for which (he same is rendered does
Copy of
not exceed fifty dollars, upon which copy any justice of the
peace of said county may issue execution as is now provided
under $50.