free citizen shall be fined or slave punished under the provi-
sions of this act, in any case where such gates shall be found
carelessly standing open, not hung upon good iron hinges, or
otherwise in bad order and repair.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That all and every law, usage or
custom heretofore existing, or in use which is repugnant to or
inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall be, and is
hereby declared to be annulled, abrogated and repealed so far
as respects the county herein mentioned.
AN ACT to regulate the Compensation of Jurors, Judges of the Orphans
Court, Judges of the Levy Court, Commissioners of the Tax, and
Witnesses for Caroline County. — 1834, ch. 208.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this general assembly by the
petition of sundry citizens of Caroline county, praying that
the present mode of compensating jurors, judges of the or-
phans court, judges of the levy court, commissioners of the
tax, and witnesses, who may serve as such, each in their re-
spective capacities, may be' changed to a per diem and mileage
allowance ; therefore,
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That each and every- juror, summoned to the county court of
Caroline county, and judges of the orphans court, judges of
the levy court, and commissioners of the tax, shall henceforth
be entitled to receive the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for
each day that each of the said jurors, judges of the orphans
Per diem
court, judges of the levy court, and commissioners of the tax,
shall serve in their different capacities, and in addition thereto,
an allowance of five cents per mile for every mile that his
place of residence shall be distant from Denton, the place
where the different courts and commissioners of the tax trans-
act their business, to be levied, collected, and paid, in the
same manner, and at the same time, with his per diem allow-
ance, and he shall be entitled to receive mileage for each day
he shall attend said courts as juror, judge of the orphans
court, judge of the levy court, or as commissioner of the tax
for said county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That each and every witness,
hereafter to be summoned to attend the county courts of Caro-
line county, shall be entitled to receive for each day in which
he or she shall attend as witness, the sum of sixty cents, and
in addition thereto, an allowance of five cents per mile for
every mile that his or her place of residence shall be distant
from the place of holding the county courts of Caroline county,
and to be levied, collected, and paid, in the same manner, and
To wit-