quired to return to the trustees of the said district, at such
time or times as the said trustees shall direct or require, a list
of such lands and the amount of taxes thereon respectively due,
and the name or names of the persons respectively chargeable
with the payment of the same, and the said trustees shall there-
upon have and exercise in relation to the said lands, all the
powers which might or could be exercised by the commis-
sioners of the tax of any county in this state, in like cases, in
virtue of the act for the more effectual collection of the county
charges in the several counties of this state, passed at the
November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, chap-
ter ninety, and the collector of any school district shall have
the same powers and authority, and be subject to the same
rules, regulations and duties in the premises as by law ap-
pertain to the office of collector of the county charges in like
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid act for the
public instruction of youth in primary schools throughout this
state, and this act, shall be and the same are hereby declared to
be public and remedial acts, and shall be construed by all
coutts of justice according to the equity thereof, and no pro-
ceedings by the inhabitants, or of the trustees of any school
district, shall be set aside or adjudged to be void for defect or
form, or for any irregularity therein ; Provided, that the re-
quisitions of said acts, shall have been substantially complied
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
trustees of each and every school district in said county, to re-
port to the orphans court on or before the fifteenth day of Decem-
ber in each and every year, the amount of money received, the
number of childien educated, the amount paid to their teachers,
and it shall be the duty of the trustees of primary schools in
each of their tespective election districts as aforesaid, annually
to report to the orphans court, and said court to the legislature.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the school funds now
belonging to, or which may hereafter be apportioned to the
said county, shall and may be used and applied as at present,
until the said county shall have been laid off into school dis-
tricts, and schools shall have been established in at least three
of said districts; Provided always, that whenever and as soon
as any one or more of the election districts, shall have been
laid off into school districts, and organized agreeable to law, it
shall be the duty of the orphans court on being notified thereof,
by the trustees of such district or districts, to distribute to such
trustees a fair proportion of the school funds, belonging or
assignable to said county.